Chapter One: Treats of the place where Oliver was born, and of the circumstances attending his birth.
Chloe was a feral cat whom a few neighbors were feeding. (If she was ever a housecat, Chloe acts like a feral now.) Ms Brownlow could tell she'd given birth before and wanted to take her in so she wouldn't get pregnant again, but the landlady hated cats and didn't allow pets. Sure enough Chloe got pregnant again, and soon after all her kittens were discovered in a neighbor's yard--they hadn't lived, because Chloe had distemper. (If passed on to kittens at birth, 95% will die.) She'd even brought one of the dead kittens across to Mrs Brownlow's building to tell them what had happened (to get help?) giving the more sensitive neighbor a bit of an upset. Poor Chloe. :'-( Ms Brownlow believes she was only about a year old herself at this time.
When she was discovered pregnant for a third time:
"everyone was pretty traumatized by the story of the kittens and no one wanted to deal with the guilt of knowing that might well happen again, and pretty soon, too.

Early Saturday morning, about 6:00 AM, I went outside with a can of cat food and began looking for Chloe. She came by soon after and I began talking to her and walking toward my building door and she followed. Soon I was able to get her to follow me into the front door of the building. Every time she'd balk and head back outside I'd calmly and quietly follow her back outside, wait a few minutes, and then begin talking to her and coaxing her to follow me again. Each time we got a little further.
The whole thing took about 4 and a half hours, but eventually she came into my apartment. She was a little bit concerned that the door was closed and she couldn't get out again. She probably already had a spot picked out to deliver so it had to be a scary situation for her; but I stayed quiet and calm and gave her a lot of space. And resolved that I was not opening the door again until I had to leave for work on Monday morning.
"Holy mother of kittygod what have I done?!"
But Chloe is a smart and brave girl and knows how to make the best of things. She decided my bed, the farthest point from the door, was the space she liked the most and that was where she spent most of her time, by the bedroom window.
She woke me, deliberately, to have me there when she had the kittens. Perhaps because of the four dead ones born the last time, she wanted me there in case she needed help with these. I sat on the floor right beside her and when the first kitten was born, and was well, she purred so loudly. And she's not a purrer."
purr purr purr ... nom nom nom
And so came into this world Henry and Oliver.
Oh, what a wonderful person. Cloe is a very lucky kitty.
My parents fed feral cats for many years and they'd come to my mom for help. Eye infections etc, they'd come to the door and tell my mom all about it and she'd do what she could.
Once Baby Doll brought her dead kitten to my mother while I was visiting. It is heart wrenching when trusting eyes look at you expecting so much and there is nothing to be done.
"Holy mother of kittygod what have I done?!"
You seem to have exactly captured her thoughts at that moment with your caption.
What a wonderful thing for Ms Brownlow to do. After the kittens were born, did she have the cat fixed?
I have paid for the fixing of more animals because it isn't a priority for people and they'll just let the poor things have litter after litter.
Chloe stays indoors in the apartment so she can't get out and get pregnant anymore. (It would be very hard for her to escape.) Ms Brownlow wants to fix her, cause she's always going into heat and peeing everywhere, but because she's feral she's hard for one person to corral. Someone from the local feral shelter was supposed to come twice to help her, and both times didn't come without even calling. Both times Chloe was trapped in a room for nothing, and now she won't let herself be *fooled* into being closed into a room again. !!
So. Ms Brownlow's got some health problems now that make it too hard for her to try again alone. So it's still on the to-do list.
@Judie - That's sooo sad. :'-(
@Nancy Glad you approve, lol. She just looks so on her guard, it's so cute. I guess it's the pointy-forward-ears.
I sense the need to have a box of tissues handy for this one.
I'm such a wimp I probably won't milk the sad parts, and get really quickly to the nice parts! I could never write those animal true story books, lol.
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