"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, August 16, 2014


Here is the Recreation Photo! of my crochet hook accident last month, featuring the actual hook!

That's about the angle it was at.

You can see the tip is a bit pointier than usual, hence its amazing puncturing capabilites!



Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Great moments in Bill #4

"I am the Bionic Woman. What would I wear?"

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Great moments in Bill #3

"Come Sam shake it, you won't break it!"

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Great Moments in Bill #2

Bill tells off Coach Frederick.

Bill makes a prank call...

...and is eventually found out. When the coach confronts him about it, tells him it's not fair that he never gets a chance to play a real position in gym class, that he might be good! Or how will he ever get better? when he's always picked last. The teacher defends himself: It's not my fault you're picked last. And Bill tells him: Of course it is, you always let the same guys pick the teams.

I wish this scene was on youtube. But you can watch the game where Bill finally gets to be team captain. I love the meeting on the mound. "Meeting on the mound? Very cool."

Monday, August 11, 2014

Great Moments in Bill #1

From Freaks and Geeks. Bill is our favorite geek because though he knows he's unpopular, he refuses to change who he is and stands up for himself.

Bill tells off the head cheerleader.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Why I gots to be so rude?

Random story. When I was in Nanaimo the song "Rude" came out by MAGIC! which I loved and told everyone about and taught to Madame Miroir. And then whenever I was grumpy she'd take a lamb puppet and pop it in my face and sing (in a very silly voice): "Why you got to be so ruuuude?" (Not "gotta" but "got to.")

I told Fernando this, and now he does it too. So I recommend learning the chorus of this song just so you can throw it in someone's face. It's very handy.

(Though when Fernando sings it, I get to respond: "But you married her anyway!")

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Greetings, Princess

If you still haven't seen Freaks and Geeks... well, come on. Really now.

Back in the day I didn't have cable TV, and just a little black and white manual box. I would get home from 3-11 PM shifts at the bookstore and there wasn't much on to watch (two English channels on non-cable in Montreal, in them days.) That's how I first caught Freaks and Geeks.

It starts off seeming like a lightweight teen comedy, so you have to give it some time to grow. When they started the show, they gave all the writers (and actors? I forget) a questionnaire asking them about their teen experiences, and almost all the storylines come from those. Hence you will, at multiple points, identify.

I think more and more people are finally seeing it, in part cause it's on Netflix, and in part because 5 of the men involved went on to become a movie mini-industry unto themselves:

Producer Judd Apatow
Creator Paul Feig
Seth Rogen
James Franco
Jason Segal

They knew they were going to be cancelled so Feig wrote a great final episode to wrap the season up. It's perfect. (I just rewatched the show, and am amazed all over at how great it is.) One of the freaks, played by Franco, is the very cool and good looking Daniel who is terrible at school, and basically thinks he's stupid and will never be good at anything.

As punishment for something he's sent to join the A/V club, to run the class projectors. Of course A/V club is the special haunt of our geeks. "He's being sent to A/V... as punishment?" But in an inspired moment our Elder and Wiser Geek invites Daniel to play D&D with them. And Daniel not only has fun, but wins the game. Which, if you've never played, does require actual talent--creativity, and puzzle solving. He's finally good at something.

It's the best, best storyline. I could watch it 100 times.

Feig said he envisioned Daniel going to prison the next season. But I believe that in A/V he club he became interested in cinema and went on to make small, independent films.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

a song and a non-report report

Just heard this new Sinead song, I guess from an upcoming album. It's fantastic! Very passionate. You guys will like.

Not much to report. I've been having trouble with insomnia, so that's a pain in the ass. There was the crochet hook I got stuck in my foot. A bit of friend socializing. Went to an outdoor sculpture museum--stone carvings from west Africa. Then had to keep driving Fernando back there so he could hang out for hours and talk to the sculptor. And we saw the Lego movie at a movie in the park thing.


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
Stupeur et tremblements