"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Young Galaxy - Factory Flaws (play the lyrics game!)

I tried working out the lyrics, since it hasn't been done online. See the stuff in bold if you want to help out! That last verse is just a hot mess, I can barely understand a thing.

 Update: I changed the lyrics still missing to xxx because sometimes it's easier when you don't first read someone else's preconceived and oh so wrong ideas.

RED = CORRECTIONS Thank-you Barb and my brother! Anyone else? Help!!

Update 2: As per my brother's brilliant solution, I wrote to the band on their facebook page and just remembered to check for a response. All lyrics now correct and accounted for!

You told me you were broken from the start
You used your hand to put mine to your heart
You said: I can't feel this
I'm not sure I exist

Spoke of all the trouble in your town
Too prevalent for you to step around
Forcing you to bury
A burden too heavy

You warned me of the potential cost
Of losing myself to those who are lost
I said it's much better
To be lost together

And devote ourselves to a dream
And never fall into routine
To keep our lines open
And live with what's broken

I know you're in pieces
I know I'm at sea
But something about you keeps calling to me
I know all your secrets
You know all of mine
The past is the past and it's better left behind

Your crooked paws

Your factory, factory flaws
Your highs your low

I love it all more than you know
Your whirl your woe
Your factory, factory clothes
Your crooked glow

I love it all more than you know


BarbN said...

OK, I am terrible at lyrics, but I'll tell you what I heard--

I know you're in pieces
I know I'm the seam (???)

And then the third line of the last bit I think is "Your high, your low" (or maybe you're high, you're low -- ha!)

After listening three times, I still have no idea what "coo" is paused or blowing/glowing. It's possible that the fifth line is "your whirl, your world" but I wouldn't swear to it.

Fun song, I'd never heard it before, thanks for sharing.

London Mabel said...

You're right, there's an S sound. But I still hear a T as well. Steam! ok maybe not

high and low = yes, brilliant

The second time she sings it, the coo-pause line sounds something like "broken heart" but it doesn't sound that way the first time. And doesn't rhyme with flaws.

I agree with whirl/world. Was my first thought too.



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