"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Knew you were awesome?

Thought I'd share this, shared on Bettyland this week...

There was a time when you were five years old, and you woke up full of awesome.
You knew you were awesome.
You loved yourself.
You thought you were beautiful, even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers.
You loved your body, and the things it could do.
You thought you were strong.
You knew you were smart.
Do you still have it?
The awesome.
Did someone take it from you?
Did you let them?
Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren’t beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, good enough?
Why the hell would you listen to them?
Did you consider they might be full of shit?

Sadly if the people telling you different are your parents, then the niggles of doubt and the lack of confidence and finally the self-hatred begins early, really early. You may have never even have had the chance to become the child in this poem.

But hopefully Tom Robbins was right when he wrote: "It's never too late to have a happy childhood."



Judie said...

Sadly for me it was parents, siblings, school mates, random people off the street.

I was s-l-o-w, I was fat, I was never what I was supposed to be and it took a long time to realize that the only person I really needed to please was myself.

I'm still a work in progress but I am becoming more and more that child.

I am all kinds of awesome!!

nancy said...

This post is heartbreaking in its implications.

I, too, am hoping Tom Robbins is right.

And, yes, Judie, you are awesome! No one could have that smile and not be all *kinds* of awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Tom Robbins definitely had it right. I missed out on five-year-old awesome when I was five, but i'm totally rocking the awesome now, nearly 20 years later

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Alas, didn't know I was awesome until I was at least 35. Amazing how many people still don't know I'm awesome. Their loss.

You're awesome, too, Mabel! Did you ever watch Mad About You tv show? M.others A.lways, B.ring, E.xtra, L.ove. Mabel

London Mabel said...

- Judie you remind me of this bit from the song Camouflage:

"I'm a work in progress, I'm a seed grown into a flower
I'm a storm that's rising and getting stronger with every hour"

(And I have always loved that profile picture of you!)

- J,J,J - I didn't watch it that often, I've never that, lol. I'd like to think my cats would agree!

xx oo to you all, you're all awesome!


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