"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

One can only buy new clothes so often. One is not rich.

So recently I went from an all-foot job to receptionist. I used to work 4 days/week, 10 hour shifts, mostly on my feet sorting things and stacking bins.

Now that I sit on my bottom, I'm trying to eat less. It hasn't been as hard as I thought, because...

When you hate your job, eating becomes a sort of reward for being there. Now that I'm happy, I'm not thinking about food as much.

When you hate your job your day goes SLOWLY. (Or maybe: When your day goes slow, you hate your job?) So taking breaks becomes this all-important, critically timed activity. And then see A: Sitting down to eat something and read the cartoons in the reward for surviving the sound of your brain cells dying.

At my old job I worked alone, so there was no one to judge me. And I was next to a grocery store. And I rarely made lunches, cause I was so tired after work, and so unhappy, that I didn't like to cook. All this means I would: Go to the grocery store, buy Eg. egg salad and crusty bread, maybe some mini package cookies, some apples -- then sit and nosh.

At my new job I'm in a break room, and there's usually other people eating. So there is a sort of Public Gaze. Plus French people tend to eat nutritiously--I mean, they're eating Grain + Veggie + Meat dish. Or hearty salad. So when I don't see anything to eat at home and just bring in a couple avocados and a yogurt, or just bring in a thing of rice, I will get the "Is that all your eating?" question.

There isn't necessarily judgment in a mean way. But The Public Gaze. Which is great, really. It's very helpful. But even when I'm on break alone, I find myself satiated with half a granola bar. Amazing the effect of happiness on the mind.

So there you go. I didn't gain weight when I was at the donation center; but I also don't want to gain weight now. One can only buy new clothes so often. One is not rich.


Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Yep - I know this first hand. I am down to 3 pairs of pants that fit and one of them is getting to be too loose.

London Mabel said...

Yay you!!

If I can just avoid weight gain I'll be good. ...I'm not asking for miracles, having just eaten a bowl of pistachio ice cream.

Unknown said...

Another sign that the end is nigh ... ice cream made with unholy flavors! If God meant ice cream to have more than just the Three Fundamental Flavors of Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry, she wouldn't have made Neapolitan. gmc

London Mabel said...

You're missing out old man.


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