"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Casual Weekend Update: watched, read, and kitty pics


Spike Lee's School Daze. Can't say I recommend it, unless you're a supaLeefan like me. There were three different Great movies in here, but he tried to make all three of them at once, so, you know, it's a mess. Here's a good scene though.

One of our movie channels is showing Richard Pryor all week--always fun to watch one of the greats, and see where everyone else has been getting their sh*t from. Since we're on the N word, here's a corresponding serious moment from one of the shows we caught. (He's talking about his trip to Kenya.)


Paul à la campagne - the first of a well known Québec graphic novel (bande dessinée) series. It was very good. My library's graphic novel section is really outstanding.


Bought Evil Minion (who I've started calling Evil Genius) her first real-fur mouse. It was fairly big. She ran off with it, and wouldn't let anyone near for fear we'd take it from her. About an hour or two later she admitted it wasn't real and lost interest. The next day she tore it to shreds and ripped out its plastic innards. Needless to say it no longer squeaks.

Smiling, with Fernando. I love her looong legs.

Slurp slurp slurp.

I looked over, when she was sleeping, and noticed that she tail had fluffed out, as though she'd had a scare.

Because Haley's not around me and the computer, we get less pics of her! Quelle scandale. 

She also doesn't photograph as well without a flash, with her face all shrouded in evil and darkness.


Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I miss my cat, Bernie. I need to post his picture when I get back. He's gray & white. He used to live with a cat named Clyde & his name was Bonnie until we realized he wasn't a Bonnie he was a Bernie.

He's one of those cats who will one day be responsible for tripping me & breaking my neck because he walks in front of me. But I love him just the same. He's a vicious mouser.

London Mabel said...

Do post a pic of Bernie, I'd love to see him (esp since his sex change.)


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