I just erased a whole post! Man... blogging on ipad is fraught with danger. Good thing it wasn't deep.
Here is the first pile of rejects.
Hereis the first round of picks, but there's over 30 and still the genres to do!
Here are the first two certain picks. I had decided I would be open to Signs From the Universe, in terms of picking books, and these are the first ones.
I've been watching a French mini series, and Virginia Woolf novels featured in it. I have to Virginias, and picked Orlando. It's about a character who starts off as a man, and one day wakes up as a woman.
Fernando was at my old bookstore work place, and only recognized one person. I bought the book And Then We Came to the End because that person, J___, recommended it to me. So it's been picked. It's about work place shenanigans during a downturn, and how we spend most of our lives with the people we work with.
Glad that you are getting some clarity about what to take and what to leave behind.
Oh how this statement haunts me:
"how we spend most of our lives with the people we work with."
For example just last evening at my current job the powers that be, for no logical reason anyone can see, decided to move us all around in desks. They do this more frequently than you'd think.
In my new, greatly improved job, we share desks with someone who works opposite hours. My former deskmate was perfect for this so why I had to move, no one knows. The new desk mate has opposite hours but her desk... I have a couple of pics and the cup Kris sent me from Austrailia on my desk. There is barely room for them amongst the HOARD of crap she has. I'll try to take a pic and put it on my blog.
I am a minimalist. I only hope I can function in the sheer clutter.
Oops sorry to hijack your comments.
Holy moly, that's a lot of books. (Getting caught up.) There has been many a day that I've felt sorry for myself because I don't have many bookshelves. (First world problems, I know.) And then I see this and I think, maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Because I would SO hoard books.
@JJJ - I look forward to a pic. Heavens, heavens.
@Delia - I can't stress enough that book hoarders shouldn't work at book stores with a 30% discount. At least not for 15 years. Though a great deal of it came from just a few years of attending a 3 for $1 book sale with my enabling friend. (Her book collection is in the 1000s.)
WOW ... impressive piles of prose ... congratulations!
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