"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, March 16, 2015

Nope, I'm back (& my alphabet of taxes)

Well, I tried blogging at weebly. But there are still some things I don't like about it that make blogging too long. So I'll go back to what I had before, which is a feed from here to there. :-)

Today I did Fernando and my taxes. Also from last year, cause that's how kooky my year was. I used to enjoy doing it, but what with moving to BC and moving back, the last few years of taxes have been highly annoying. At one point I yanked my hair, then had to take a pill to ward off the headache that gave me.

BUT. I don't like to whine about taxes, because I am glad to pay them. I'm glad to live in a country that is organized enough to collect taxes--means I live somewhere safe. And I'm glad we pay more taxes than people do in the US, cause I can see the difference in things I read about on facebook. Like leaving it to individual owners to clear the snow from the sidewalks! Cause of course not everyone does. And of course the city doesn't have the resources to pursue them.

Animal protection
Benefits eg disability
Cleared sidewalks
Daycare (in Quebec)
Food safety 
Garbage collection
Hospital visits
Justice system
K-9s and lesser cops
Medical visits
Nails for infrastructure
Oboes... and other members of the art family
Peacekeeping missions
Quick snow removal (it's pretty quick... unless you were in some boroughs this year)
Street cleaning (you don't miss it til it's gone)
Universal health care
Yellow traffic lights (and red and green)
Zippy bike trails & other park maintenance ... lol

Somehow I think this list could be improved.

Song of the Day - heard on Mohawk Girls


widdershins said...

Not looking forward to doing our taxes either ... but as you say, froma global perspective, thing's ain't 'arf bad 'ere.

London Mabel said...


Paige Smith said...

I did not know that there were so many taxes you have to pay. There is literally one tax fee for every letter of the alphabet. Learning about this is interesting. Preferred Tax Services


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