"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, May 5, 2011

3 items of interest?

* In re the partying that went off after Osama's death was announced, this New York Times article does a great job of articulating it--a sort of generation gap of those growing up in the shadow of 9-11. It's a short read and perfectly echoes comments I read elsewhere on the net, as well as the reaction of one young American man I ran into that day.
In the world of the so-called millennial generation, said Neil Howe, a writer and historian who is often credited with defining that term for the generation, “Evil is evil, good is good. There are no antiheroes, there is no gray area. This is a Harry Potter vignette, and Voldemort is dead.” 

“In a Harry Potter world,” he said, “their mission is to save the world for the rest of society. This is their taking pride in what their generation is able to do.” 

* Though it's lovely, Martin Luther King Jr did not say : "I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy." See here.

* As I know there's a lot of witchliness amongst the Betties (as there is amongst my cats), as well as love of vampires and The Mysterious, you might like to know that the Musical Queen of Mystical Stevie Nicks has released a new album. It's not at all new sounding or cutting edge, but very true to her Old Self, and a good album in that sense. If you've ever been a Nickling in the past, you might like it.


Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I love Stevie Nicks. Sounds like she still has that wonderful voice.
I saw her in concert years ago. I have to admit it was kind of strange. Joe Walsh, who's music is not very compatible with hers, warmed up for her. And she changed costumes about ten times. I would have enjoyed that as I like costumery but she took forever with each change.

widdershins said...

The good ones just keep on getting better with age. Thanks for the listen.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

OT - You will LOVE this:


Baratunde Thurston: Q&A with the Man Behind the Viral Response to Trump

The video and the article express what was wrong with the whole mess so well.

London Mabel said...

Re Stevie - She's lovely. Though waiting for her all the time would be annoying lol

Re Baratunde - Thanks! I'll pass that on to the friend who posted that video on her facebook too.

London Mabel said...

Er - let me be clearer. lol. I had watched the Baratunde video, a girlfriend posted it on her fb awhile back. But I'll send her this Q&A too, it's really interesting -- just ran over and read it, thanks. This is bang on:

"You don't have the right to roll up to the White House and say, "Show me your papers," like it's apartheid South Africa! In that, I could hear the voice of random white people in history, demanding money for my vote — wanting to know what's my business in this part of town. "

Anonymous said...

I have to go switch machines so I can watch the videos, thanks for these. (Lol, much witchliness! I love that.)
Julie (one of those real live witches)
p.s. You are now link over at my place, talking about it in the post tonight (which goes up in about an hour and a half). I hope that's okay.

London Mabel said...

Ooh I'm a link! Vair exciting!

I'm laughing picturing you running across the living room to the next computer, to watch videos.


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