Today's post is a public service message for those who read blogs and like to post comments, but who find said comments are sometimes (or often) eaten by the monsters of blogland.
Just like in the days before autosave you had to get in the habit of hitting control+s every few minutes as you wrote, I've developed the habit of saving what I comment before I hit post. If an error occurs, I can just paste in my comment and try posting again.
For those who don't know what I mean, here's a demo, conducted on an olllld blog I no longer update. (I've had many blogs over time. Mock me, I don't mind.)
I'm reading Mabel's blog and notice this video isn't working.
I leave a long and extremely witty comment to the effect, that I shall never again be able to reproduce in this lifetime, or the next.
Before hitting "publish" I decide to copy my comment. I usually do it this way:
On a PC I would use the control button (Ctrl) at the same time as the "a" button to select "all" of my commentary...
on a mac I'd use the command button (the pinwheel) + a.
Method #2 would be to use the right click button and choose "select all" ...
or use whatever method my laptop has for bringing up the "rightclick" options (in my case it's two fingers on the trackpad.)
Now my text is all selectified.
Then I would use Ctrl + c to COPY all of that text.
Or command + c on a mac.
Or the right click button.
Or the track pad (etc.)
THEN with my comment safely tucked away in the computer's memory, I would hit publish. My comment will remain in memory until I copy something else.
If I got an error message, I would return to the comment field once again and this time press:
Ctrl + v for PASTE to paste in the comment held in memory.
Or command + v on a mac.
Or right click.
Or track pad (etc.)
And like magie! My BRILLIANT comment is restored, with little effort on my part.
And there, my chers amis, is the secret to avoiding comment heartache. :-)
When my comments get eaten I think:
Well, the gods have spoken. ;)
You have saved us all much pain and suffering. And we thank you!
yikes! Due to blogger weirdness - and not following your excellent advice on this post - I just lost my witty comments about the frustrations I just experienced trying to comment on my very own blog!
The Bloggerverse is apparently out to get me today!
Very good advice. I usually type my comment into a word doc and then copy and paste from there, but your way seems easier :-)
@anon - TOO FUNNY! lol
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