"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, July 1, 2013

Knife love

Hey ho there... not much going on right now. I finished painting my cupboards, and I've been shopping for some things I haven't been able / wanted to buy second hand.

I got this lamp from Target:

And I did the unthinkable--I bought something new that I already had second hand! Months ago I bought a pack of never opened brightly colored steak knives; but today I was at Home Sense and saw these...

I'm so in love with them I may sleep with them under my pillow. It's the combination of sleek shape, beautiful pastels, and the horsefly (or bee--Laguiole tradition holds it could be either).

I also tried to find a pretty dish drainer, and cutting board, but nothing did it for me. I finally tried googling DIY solutions and found this!

What a great idea! I'm going to explore it. I have a big space over my sink.

I've also been collecting the pieces necessary to make one of these:

My suitcase looks like this:

So as you see, it's all about decor and DIY and shopping. Nothing too exciting. Well, not to anyone else, at all rates. Exciting for me.


Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Love the lamp. I am so fond of lamps like that.
Also love the knifes. With me it's different types of spoons - soup spoons, those long-handled tea spoons.
Love, love love those cat beds!

Skye said...

You have terrific taste! Love the lamp; really love the knives --- they are things of beauty. And I think the cat beds are terrific. DIY is fun and makes things that are unique and special, which is more fun than buying generic. You, my dear, are not a generic sort of person.

Have fun with your projects!

widdershins said...

Upstairs/downstairs kitteh comfort ... perfect!

BarbN said...

I am always so impressed and jealous when people can do crafty, DIY projects. They look great. and I love those knives.

Anonymous said...

Love it all! Especially those knives and your suitcase cat bed. Fabulous!

London Mabel said...

Glad you're all feeling the knife and kitty-bed love!

Unknown said...

Can you still get them at your home sense store I want these so bad and can't find them anywhere I live in America

London Mabel said...

I don't know! But amazon sells them, though not sure if in the colors you want. :-)


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