"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My journée

***LOL  I'm SO tired I posted this on the wrong blog. Oh le sigh.***


- Minion has a chewing fixation. She's tearing up paper now, which is okay, that'll dissolve. She eats our wood baskets--not so okay, I've had to hide or cover them all. Trying to find something chewy for her. The dog chews the vet gave me were too tough, and when soaked too soft. I bought doggy faux-bacon strips, and she worked through a strip in a few minutes--at it up piece by piece. I need something tougher.

She likes to sleep on a Snuggy in her toy box. But then she started eating the toy box, so now the Snuggy covers the wood.

I don't mind if she eats pharmacy bags and amazon receipts. I drew the line at paper towels cause I fear they're less dissloving, more clumping. (She doesn't always ingest, but...)

When she tries to eat my love letters to Fernando, or my lists of French words to look up, I have to give her her own piece of paper. You can see what she thinks of that.

"If you would give me your finger 24-7 this wouldn't be an issue." 


- Fernando accidentally snapped out smoke detector off its bracket last month when trying to turn it off from a nuisance alarm (cooking something smokey.) It was a cheap one installed by the building, and also, I learned, in the wrong place. If you only have one, it should be by the bedrooms. This past week I installed the fancier one I bought, which detects both slow and fast moving fires. Today I bought another of that kind, as well as a carbon detector for my bedroom, which is over the garages where the dudes are always working on their cars and boats etc.


- Also saw my doctor re various little healthatude things that piled up during the year. I save them up for her. She gave me a dermatologist referral to get a benign but itchy mole removed, and I've always wanted to get some others removed. I something cut them with my nails. She also gave me a pump to clear up my lungs.

- Because of the AM appointment I had to get up early, which means it's 3 AM and I'm dead tired. So maaaaybe I can get back onto a normal bedtime (which for me means 4 AM instead of 6 AM.) If I'm asleep by 4 AM I feel healthy, I sleep well, less headache, I feel "en forme." But later than that and I start to feel crummy and I get headaches. But I haven't been able to break it! Every night I've been getting a surge of mental energy at 3-4 AM that lasts til 5 AM. Then I feel exhausted, I crash, and fall asleep around 6 or 7 AM. Luckily Haley wakes me up at 2 PM like clockwork so it hasn't gotten any worse than that. But I feel shplecky.


- Tomorrow I'm hanging with my oldy high school friend Banana. (An oldy but a goody.)

So it's a few minutes to 3 AM. I've got to start pretending to go to bed, so I can be asleep by 4. Wish me luck!


lora96 said...

I love the kitty destruction pics! My puppy loves to shred all things paper but his greatest joy is the "rope bone" which is nothing but a knotted rope I bought for a dollar at the grocery store. Maybe try that?

Simone said...

whos Banana????????

jason said...

I normally read this blog on my rss feed but today I decided to click on the link and I see that it has such a pretty background!

Anonymous said...

Love the naughty kitties. I miss having a cat like crazy but my son is allergic. :( There's nothing better than a warm, purring cat when you are cuddled up with a book.

London Mabel said...

@lora I wouldn't do a rope because if she got off strands it could do kitty-gut-damage. But I'm gonna keep trying other doggy options for sure. I forgot about the dollar store!

@Simone - replied by email ;-)

@Jason - Sometimes I use my RSS just as a reminder, but then use the tab button to read people's posts so I can see their *personality* on their blogs. lol

@bonafide - Well... sons are alright too. ;-) And they don't cough up hairballs.


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