Once again I'm full of things to talk about, and completely short on time. In the meantime I'm just catching up one at a time on other people's bloggies, and non-net friends. Here's a classic kd lang performance to keep you company. I'd always thought this was a joke song she'd written--didn't realize it was her subversive take a on a real 60s song!
(Don't miss the opera singing at the end.)
And as a companion, may I recommend this movie Fernando an I rented tonight, about the women Ford machinists who shut down the plant in their fight for equal pay. It's called Made in Dagenham and it's very entertaining. I don't remember seeing a single ad for it, unlike their other movie Calendar Girls. Movie about women taking off their clothes = $96 000 000 gross. Movie about landmark women's rights strike, made in the same light, fun, upbeat, inspiring tone as Calendar Girls = $9 000 000.
Johnny get angry indeed.
Well, thank goodness. All these years I've been misremembering "give me the biggest lecture I've ever had" as "give me the biggest beating I've ever had."
Damn, The Reclines must have loved being her band! What fun shows those must have been...
Was the female politician in the trailer Margaret Thatcher?
I pity the fool who doesn't pay women equally!
OMG kd was such a CUTE baby butch back then!
There's an earlier recording of this song where she's even cuter, cause she's got on her granny glasses and a cowboy skirt and shirt! And in that one you can really see how much fun the band is having. But I picked this one because the operatics go on longer at the end.
@Paul - I sort of remembered beating too. Maybe it's because she falls down in the middle. Re the movie: No, I forget her name, but it's the Secretary of State. This was the 60's and the ruling Labour party. Looks like it could be her though.
I was thinking a young Thatcher. Would have been interesting considering her hard line relationship vs workers when she was PM. But if they're Labour then it's definitely not her - I'm pretty sure she was hard-core Conservative.
Ya I don't think she was ever known to be particularly feminist, so it wouldn't overrule her anti-labor philosophy. (Not that she didn't help feminism just by becoming PM, but you know what I mean.)
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