Hey ho! All is well down here. Been swimming a bit. Crocheting too, and developed crocheter's shoulder. (Is that a thing? It should be.) And I actually wrote a wee bit!! I'm re-reading Harpo Marx's biography--he was the silent Marx Brother, and a wonderful person in real life. Full of joy and kindess, and very funny. I'm loving the book yet again, and it puts me in the mood to write. Also been rewatching Fred and Ginger movies, which also inspire me. I love their silly tone, it's exactly how I'd like to write.
I finished my first amigurumi (Japanese crochet of cute things). It's a little cat, though apparently he looks like a bear and a monkey. I based the body on a pattern, but then made up the rest based on these aminekos (crocheted cats):
I named him Fernando, but I'm adraid he's turned out nothing like his namesake. He's been badly influenced by the Mad Men I've been watching on Netflix. He drinks and womanizes and is hungover every day (hence the sunglasses.) But when he's at his best he gets in a Kleenex box and flies around the cabin, so I ought to make him a flying hat. My dad and step-mother are both pilots, so perhaps he's picked up something good for once.
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Sunbathing... I think |
Hope you're all well. The internets here continue to be annoying.
So good to see this post from you! Sorry your new roomie is a drunken womanizer, but you never know what you'll get with cats, even crocheted ones! :)
Been missing you!
Thanks! And you're right about cats. Sigh.
Nice to see you too. The internets are so patchy here, I've given up on much of it.
Funny you have a drunken womanizer cat and Robena Grant has a cigar-smoking, whiskey drinking, book-reviewing bear.
Me I just have plants with names and back stories and scandalous romances.
There's life everywhere we look, even if it drinks too much.
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