"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Into the wilderness

Here are pics from the chalet where we've been living. We get possession of the house in a week, but then must paint and redo floors before moving in. Hasn't stopped me from continuing to buy things for my place! I've even got a bedframe stuffed into my bedroom here!

Here's Flakey all packed up, ready to leave the old house, Yoda exhausted from packing.
Phew, ready to rest up.


Birdyloos! Philea and Chara have been enjoying being in the same room as us almost all the time. They love to be in a flock. Parrots hate to be alone.


My room before I messed it all up!
Down on the beach...


When the tide's out, it's out!


But keaves tidal pools so teeming with life, I can't bear to walk on them. Here I lifted a shell and scared a little gray crab. He's in the middle of the pic, above the block of seaweed.
My drive home from work, thirty minutes. Can see Nanoose Bay peeking between the trees as I drive.





Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I miss living close to the ocean.
Your chalet looks lovely. Nice that you are able to be with your parents at this time when you can be so helpful.

Judie said...

I wish my ride to work was that beautiful. I love the pictures of the ocean and I love tidal pools.

Skye said...

I, too, miss living close to the ocean and being able to walk on the beach when I want. Love tide pools and the lovely, interesting life living in them. Love your little crab.

Is the new house closer to work for you? It's good the parrots get to be in their flock all the time now! :)

Good luck on getting things done in the house quickly so you can move in soon!

widdershins said...

I've done that drive a few times to visit rellies further up the coast. Very pretty.

Congratulations on your immanent moving-in-ness.

London Mabel said...

Yes, ocean is very oceanny. Hard to complain.

The new place will be ten mins from work.

BarbN said...

beautiful pictures! very cool, and I somehow got way behind and have not heard about the new house etc. I didn't think I'd missed that many posts, but I will go back and find out what is happening! I'm so excited for you!!

Robena Grant said...

Nothing like an ocean drive to calm you on the way home from a busy day.


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