"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Here are more pictures of Owly the Cat Pillow.

Here's my rough pattern, placed on the $1.00 100% wool sweater...

This was the front of the sweater, with a zipper down the middle. I sewed it up.

Made her a nose from a corduroy jacket ($1), then crocheted her some eyes, and embroidered them in blue.

Here Betty "Morg" Widdersley Brownlow models the pillow.

I gave it to Ms. Miroir (co-worker friend) cause owls have appeared as a totem for her this year. And she has two nutty girl cats, just like us! The bigger one flops over the pillow like Morg is showing, and the littler one just looks at her and says: You can see the pillow is made for my size, so get off.

I definitely want to make some more critter cat pillows, but I need the biggest sweaters I can get, and I'd rather get natural fibers to reflect back heat in winter.


Measha Bruggergosman's a Canadian opera singer, and her last name is a combination of her and her husband's names. She wrote this about him. It's co-written/sung with another Canadian artist and their voices are so beautiful together!

Oh heartedly half-hearted you completed my half
Your love ripped me open with your silent laugh
I honestly thought I'd be alone on this path
You are the whole to my half


widdershins said...

How do you deal with the cut ends of the sweaters unraveling before and while you sew them up?

Skye said...

Do you wash the wool sweaters to felt them? Very cute pillow and glad your friend's cats appreciate it so much!

Judie said...

That is so freaking cool. I am always amazed at people's creativity.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Someone at my gdaughters gym has an owl purse and I think of you every time I see it.
Those lyrics are beautiful.

London Mabel said...

widders / Skye - I did wash and dry the sweater in hot water before I started, which is supposed to "felt" it. But it already had a very tight knit, so wasn't too given to unraveling. And the ribbing along the bottom was the original sweater, so didn't require any work. To be safe, though, I sewed an edge all around the other 3 sides... I forget the name of the stitch.

--> Last I heard the pillow was in the bottom of the cats' basket and being slept on by both of them. :-)

@Judie - Thanks!

@JJJ - I discovered an owl on my vision board when I looked at it recently! But owls are very *in* right now, so hard not to be influenced.


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