"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Most depressing news stories...

In Canada this week.


At two universities, it came to light that students at certain frosh activities were chanting:

Y is for your sister, O is for oh so tight, U is for under age, N is for no consent, G is for go to jail,”

And a lot of the chanters were girls. Which doesn't surprise me, though I hope they don't find out the hard way how unfunny it is, and why many people are saying the frosh leaders should be expelled and not just given sensitivity training.


In other news, Quebec's reigning party--though thankfully not a majority--is tabling a secularism bill, a "Charter of Values", that wouldn't allow government employees to wear "ostentatious" religious symbols. (The top row ones are ok, the bottom are not.)

Considering that few people wear giant crosses, outside of nuns and Goths, it's pretty clear this is less about secularism than it is about protecting white Quebeckers from The Other. (We have a large orthodox Jewish population in Quebec--I think they're the collateral damage in this.)

Beyond that, I agree with those pundits who say it's really about politics. the Parti Quebecois hasn't been able to get people going on separation or language, so they're looking for an issue that'll get support, and set them apart as Quebec's true party. And if the federal government issues a challenge, based on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, all the better. "You see? We are a distinct society!" Which would be the final irony since so many RestofCanaders agree with Marois on this one.

Big sigh. It's such a lot of bullshit.



Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I just watched a PBS show called American Masters. The subject was Billie Jean King and I didn't realize the level of her feminist political activities and her major contribution to getting Title 9 passed and keeping it strong. (Title 9 being what attempts to make womens sports equal to mens sports in American public schools.)
The lengths we all have to go through just to try and keep things on an equal footing in all areas of life is overwhelming sometimes.

widdershins said...

... and each generation has to keep on inventing the wheel! ... well not quite, but 'what JJJ said'.

London Mabel said...

Love American Masters.

Anonymous said...

Am just now catching up, making my rounds, and must say thank you for the cat warnings. I appreciate them more than I can say. Also? Loved that Rod Stewart clip!


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