"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Strutting and fretting my time upon this stage

Did I mention I'm moving back to Montreal in June? I want to drive back so I can keep a car, and to bring some things back with me. I could get a car in Montreal, but "island cars" are in excellent shape--cars in snowy cities get full of rust and damage from the salt. And then there are my treasures! Not all, but some. I'm even thinking of getting a hatchback instead, since that's what I wanted in the first place and I can carry more.

I don't want to drive through the Rockies in winter... or the Prairies for that matter... or any province for that matter. So that means either leaving now or next May or June. Now feels a bit soon. And finally, Fernando gets vacation time again next April--if we can afford it, it'd be fun for him to fly out, see my town, and drive back together.

But it feels like it's going to be a long 9 months, for him too. Hapoo. People keep saying it'll pass fast, but the phrase "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace..." keeps going through my head. The homesickness is crushing at times, though it's gotten better.

But I'm reminding myself it's time to haul out the old creative visualization. The one way in which I support "the law of attraction" is that it seems more happy-making to focus on a positive outcome than a negative one. This way, if the negative never comes to pass you didn't waste emotional energy worrying; and if it does, well, at least you were content in the meantime. In situations where you have no control (the passage of time) it doesn't help to keep up the lamentations. And at least I have a cat with me!

So I'm going to banish Shakespeare, replace him with some other poet. Herrick maybe? Time is still a flying? There must be something better.

From now on I say:It'll pass fast! Already the countdown timer says 8 months and 12 days.

And besides, as Madame Miroir pointed out, 9 months is a good time frame, as far as New Things are concerned.



Robena Grant said...

Yes. Nine months is excellent. And it will pass quickly with a positive attitude. Glad you have made a decision and have goals to look forward to completing.

Skye said...

I'm so glad you will be returning to Montreal!!!! I know 9 months is a long time to wait, but I like your attitude of how to wait. And I'm glad you have a kitty to keep you company.

May the months pass just quickly enough for both of you!

widdershins said...

Road trip! Road trip!

Soooo happy you'll be Montreal bound, soonish-ly.

I've discovered this year that time passes at different speeds depending on how many cuss words you can throw at it on a daily basis. It has both dragged and sped by - which really isn't at all useful to you is it?

Maybe set yourself a treat at the end of each month, and when you've collected nine, there you'll be!

Simone said...

Can't wait to have you back!

Anonymous said...

May time do exactly what you need it to! And I'll be watching the ticker, too.
(who will miss having you over here on the Western side of the clock)

London Mabel said...

Thanks all!

" time passes at different speeds depending on how many cuss words you can throw at it on a daily basis."

Ahh... sounds very mathematical.


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