"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, December 6, 2013


How come when you're having a debate with someone, this phrase always pops up at some point: "I think it's terrible that we're no longer allowed to express xyz opinion in our society." Some people feel that because someone opposes their point of view--or even that a lot of people oppose their point of view--it means their idea is being suppressed.

These people have never lived in a dictatorship.

People unclear on the concept.

You're right here, on facebook, or on a blog, or in the comments of a news section, expressing your opinion, and no one is throwing you in jail. How is this Not Being Allowed?

You can say whatever you want. I will tell you you're wrong. It's that simple! You can tell me I'm wrong too!

Someone might be using shitty tactics in an effort to silence you, that does happen. But that's not the same as Not Being Allowed.

There are genuine cases where ideas are suppressed in western countries, but your opinion on some pop video probably isn't one of those cases.


Skye said...


And then there were the folks at my community newspaper job who had very conservative viewpoints but who said more than once that everyone is entitled to their own point of view because this is a democracy. Then I ventured one little comment that supported Obama and two of them YELLED at me and spouted all kinds of false crap that Faux News had told them and told me how wrong I was and how could anyone harbor such ideas ... I stopped having lunch with the work group on Fridays (when it was catered for us) because of them. Those are people who take on the job of being a dictator! (I was eventually "reassigned" -- i.e., was replaced as regular-employee copyeditor and assigned back to the pay per article reporter pool. Unrelated? I think not.)

widdershins said...

Ah yes. The old 'everyone is entitled to their opinion except when it disagrees with mine!'

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Yeah I've encountered this many times. Someone is going to express their opinions but I'm not allowed to express my response otherwise I'm violating their right to speak or some shit.


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