"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, May 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Moi!

It's my birthday. I was wondering who to post about on my birthday. I've decided on Harpo Marx.

I remember where I was when I watched my first Marx Bro movie (parents' living room, Ile Perrot, waiting to leave for the airport, 1990s.) I don't remember when my interest in them increased, but at some point I was taking out all the books on them in the library, and read Harpo's autobiography.

He was just a really cool guy. Really kind, humble, loved animals, adopted 4 kids. He hung around with all the great New York wits of the time (Dorothy Parker et al) but never became a snot about it. Was best friends with the famous critic Alexander Woolcott, who was the total opposite--eccentric, insecure, over the top. Woolcott ADORED Harpo. The stories about the two of them are très funny.

Well really the bio is full full of funny stories. Who knows how *true* but great storytelling. Like the time he fell asleep in the theatre and dropped an entire bag full of black jelly beans, causing mayhem and havoc in the theatre; then woke up and accused George Burns of eating them all.

Or playing piano in a whorehouse, but always the same 2 songs, the only ones he knew.

Or during the 1929 crash, he avoided ruin by charming a gangster into lending him the money--by pinchie-winchieing him.

I turned my brother onto the bio, and the two of us became such fans we almost ran out and bought a croquet set. I know a couple people who like the Marx Brothers, but everyone likes Groucho of course. Witty, sarcastic, quick thinking. And really I love all the brothers. But Groucho was an asshole in life. And Chico was a womanizer and gambler. Nice guy, but totally unreliable in re his family.

My brother and I love Harpo. He's a guy you aspire to be like.

Anyway. As I sit here in my midlife crisis, still looking for a better job, just getting back to my actual writing, going through therapy and such... Harpo makes me think about What Matters. What it takes to be happy, to be content with one's place in life.

If you need a little cheering up, a little fun, I highly recommend. It has a 4.3 rating on goodreads.


widdershins said...

Happy Birth Day!!!!! ... hope you get lots of loot!

Harpo was/is my favourite too. :)

London Mabel said...



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