"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Grand Purge (or the Great Book Eating Outbreak)

I finally got the energy back to start purging/cleaning the apartment. Two weeks ago I did the kitchen and living room. Today was the long-awaited bedroom/office.

We have a queen bed in one room, and then in case Fernando's snoring (or stepmommy comes to town) there's a single bed. And there's my writing desk, and all our fiction books, and my writing books.

In the last weeks I decimated the books. It's like some paper eating virus attacked the bookshelves. Though unfortunately when you have books piled 2-3 piles deep, you can clear out hundreds of novels and not regain that much square footage. And every time I turned around, I'd find another pile of books. This is why I try to discourage young people from book hoarding. Cause you can't read them all in one lifetime, and there will always be new ones you'll want to buy, and one day you'll have to haul them all out of your home and it's LONG and DUSTY and HEAVY.

I also almost totally cleared out the poli sci books from my last degrees. The only couple left are my book case for writing/book research, and my case for Favorites.

I also took out the old bed frame and put in my cute 1940s one that I hauled here from Nanaimo. And my old Ikea writing desk broke, so I took it out, and put in place the vanity I brought from Nanaimo. New sheets on the bed, new mite dust cover on the mattress... it's getting there. Yoopie!

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