"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, August 28, 2015

How to make the viewers love a character in 5 mins or less

We were rewatching the Star Trek reboot recently, and I was awed yet again at how the director* makes you care about the death of someone you've known about three minutes (Kirk's dad.) And it's not by making him sacrifice himself for his crew; it's by making him listen to the birth of his son and say to goodbye to his weeping wife right as he's dying.

(Of course, a lovely bit of scoring never hurts.)

You could only get more vulnerable by having the baby and wife die instead of him--but that's Mad Max, which is a whole other sort of thing.

* This is why JJ Abrams is our new hope.


Unknown said...

Sniff, sniff ...

It is amazing how some movies make me instantly attach to the characters while others fail miserably. (The Fifty Megaton Bomb Test!) Mostly the Big Action Movies fail.

I guess that's why I like the quirky, often low-budget movies, where the director gets this right away, and I quickly align my own fears, weaknesses, failures, hopes, aspirations, limitations, with the vulnerabilities and brokenness of the characters as they reveal their vulnerabilities.


widdershins said...

You're absolutely right, the music for those few scenes was magnificent.


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