On Wednesday I woke up at noon--a whole hour early!--cause my sister-in-law was coming over at one. I showered, I tidied the apartment. I was probably rushing about the kitchen, dishwashering, listening the CBC radio when I heard about the Obama thing.
All I remember is that I was still half asleep, and that I was busy. And then Penguin arrived, and she stayed until about 8 or 9 PM, and then I watched my shows, and spent time with Fernando, and fell into my usual evening routines.
And then today, routine routine, phone call with other sister-in-law, fight with Fernando, grumpy mood, did some work, made up with Fernando, and then in the wee hours of the morning was on facebook and was reminded...
That the President of the United States had to present his birth certificate to prove that he is an American citizen.
When I first heard it, it caused me so much cognitive dissonance, it really didn't stick. I mean... I remember standing in the kitchen thinking: NO. NO WAY. WHY DID HE GIVE IN??
It was like one of those 9-11 things where you remember where you were when it happened. Except that it was so FUCKED UP it didn't have an impact. My brain rejected it, I finished my chores, I went on with my life. I almost forgot it happened.
This is the President of the United States.
Like... in Canada, we don't have the same sort of respect for the Prime Minister that Americans have for their President. For the role in and of itself. Inauguration doesn't have the same fanfare. It just isn't as special. The Parliamentary system is different, the PM is "first among equals."
You don't ask the President of the mother fucking United States of America to produce his mother fucking proof of citizenship. You don't take birthers seriously. Because you would not let a non-American run for the fucking presidency in the first place. This sort of mistake WOULD NOT HAPPEN. Even less so to an African American, for heaven's sake.
The President of the fucking US has been found guilty of governing a country while black. He's been forced to produce his identity papers. It's what many African Americans were made to think of, and it's what I thought of. It reminded me of apartheid South Africa, where black people had to have their pass card on them at all times. The President had to produce his pass card.
I'm gobsmacked.
And then I saw what TRUMP SAID!!! He's the next fucking Charlie Sheen!!! He's PROUD that he did this. Proud. He said he was proud. And then implied that Obama was let into university undeservedly, and should be off playing basketball. He's a racist Charlie Sheen. And when Jerry Seinfeld withdrew from his son's charity thing, he went on some rant about it. A racist Charlie Sheen.
When Obama was elected some people said this meant they were now in a post-racial America. I hope they get it now.
Okay. My brain has finally processed the information.
If you need kitty-kats, see previous post.
Yeah we're all pretty shocked, too. But then we're also used to dealing with the stupidity of dealing with the Trumps and the Sheens who have way too much money and pea-sized brains that suffer from underuse.
Still it's beyond disgusting.
sniff... sniff...
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