This week I discovered that something happened to my "best reads of 2011" posts--one is posted, one is in draft, where are the others?
Also, for my fave music of 2011, but not released in 2011, I had intended to just trickle the songs out over the weeks. I prepped the posts, but didn't post them.
So I'm gonna set some of these mothers up to post over the next couple months! Sheesh. Shows how mindgoogly I've been.
"Come Pick Me Up" - Ryan Adams - Best song I discovered
through a reality show this year--that is to say, one of my faves on
American Idol. Best chorus lyrics evah.
I wish you would
Come pick me up
Take me out
Fuck me up
Steal my records
Screw all my friends
They're all full of shit
"Bloody" - Arrested Development - The precursors of conscious rap, I was a huge fan in the 90s. Their songwriting is too clumsy to keep up with the Kanyes and Eminems of today, but I love the boom boom boom of this 2010 outing.
Nice tunz.
I don't know why I have a compulsion to share the music I like. But I guess there are worse compulsions!
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