"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

If it's Tuesday it must be Nipigon: A muskie, Thunder Bay, cowboys...

Woke up cold in Kenora (forgot to adjust the thermostat.) Gray, bleak, coldy coldy coldy.


But overcast skies are great for driving, so hey. No rain or snow either.

Here is coldly ole Lake of the Woods. Not frozen.

 But other lakes are frozen. Frozen, unfrozen, all along my route. The Ontario route (north of the Great Lakes) goes through rock/forest/lake. It's slower than the Prairies cause the roads wind and there's danger of deer crossing, so the speed limit is slower.

"Why do you want a picture of that dumb fish? Look at me!"

I had to go through the roundabout, and use the Hospital to turn around, a zillion times. Kenora is VERY trafficky. It's crazy. Too small for all this. And I just wanted to park and take a picture of Husky the Muskie who I remembered from childhood!

I had to park and take a path under the bridge. Here's a plaque to Porky, who saved a man's life.

A goosey-gander just hanging on the ice floe. 

Approaching Husky, a sprinkling of crab claws. Did the birds drop them? No idea.

My mother's family had a cottage out here, accessible by boat, where we went a few times in childhood. We loved to see Husky the Muskie! We also loved to get French fries from the chip truck, but I've no idea where that was stationed.

"It's cold up here! Get me a sweater!"

My fish was very interested and asked to be called Husky.

Here's Kenora. At least half the population appeared to be aboriginal. I feel like I've seen/interacted with a lot more aboriginal people during my whole trip, than I normally did in Montreal. There are two reserves near Montreal, but I suppose their populations are smaller.

My First Nations designed bear has, up until now, not been very lifelike. I mean, not interested in posing and talking. But in Kenora I glanced down at her and she was all: "Sit me up so I can see! This is where I'm from!" Apparently she is a First Bearneations bear from the East, not the West.

Heading out.

When I take photos in the car I don't look through the viewfinder, just hold the camera up and snap. I think this was just More Ice.

More rocky route. Oh, I saw two deer around 6 PM. One wanted to cross the road, and did what they do in Nanaimo--stepped out gingerly, waited, took another step, waited...
I slowed down nearly to a stop until she finished her slow walk. Then she hop hop hopped away like a bunny.

What I've been wanting to see is a moose! There are moose signs everywhere, teasing me! But I don't want to see one crashing into my car. There was one by the roadside today, but too far ahead for me to see properly, then she disappeared.

Thunder Bay looked about as dull as I expected. They have a nice waterfront, like Nanaimo, but it's shipping central. There's a train, and ship yards all blocking the view of the water.

I want to stay at a motel with one of those cheesy 70s signs! No luck yet...

I circled the block into downtown, so I could at least see the cuter part.

Took by accident, but it's the Polish division of the legion!

Some sort of rapidy-waterfally-thing.

They mine amethysts here, and the rocks are red--can see way in the distance.

 Now for... the motel. The greatest room ever. 
The good motels were taken up (truckers and local construction workers), but I like cheap ones anyway. Now... the room you're about to see, I don't think exists all over this motel. Judging by the pics and comments in the travel advisor.

But my room, for one person, was COWBOY THEMED.

[Here the friendly motel dog hung out with me while I took stuff out of the car.]

Yes back in the 70s, I think, someone took great care to decorate this room with a cowboy theme. You first walk in and it's dark and brown and orange and the chair has a hole, and you're like: Yowza. But then you take it all in and stand amazed.

Orange curtains...

 Bed with His and Hers horsies on the headboard. Pretend gas lamps by the bedsides. (As usual I remove the coverlet and use my quilt.)

Ripped chair.
  Pics on wall...

Shutters, lamp with rope around trim...

"Cowboy wisdom"

Horsie statue...

Horse mug holder...

Cow tray...

Weird ladle soap holder...

Checkers table!

Love. This. Room. Curtains are stained, every chair is stained, God knows how the carpet is... but love the decor.

I have so many things to say about The Road, but I'm so sleepy! I'm on Eastern time now, gotta get to bed! Sault Ste Marie or bust!


Skye said...

Thanks for taking us on your road trip! It's so cool!

widdershins said...

There'll be a moose ... just for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Terri:

Love following you are your road trip. Thanks for the pic on the quilt shop.

Talk later

cj {[]}

London Mabel said...

@Skye - Glad you're enjoying! Crappy internet tonight so probably won't update.

@Widders - There were mooses!!

@CJ - You are quiltilicious.


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