"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Mega Kitty Picture Post! Mayhem! Shenanigans! Cute-atude!

I wrote last weekend about Evil Minion's attempts to keep herself amused. This week she decided to remodel the bathroom, starting with removing the grungy old caulking around the toilet. I suspect if I leave her alone long enough with a caulking gun, I'll find the new caulking in place in no time.

-> I wrote that on Wednesday, and at the time I threw the caulking into the garbage. One piece in the bathroom (a bag attached to the cupboard) and one piece in my covered bedroom bin. Today is early Sunday morning.

Now... what do you think caulking smells like? Old caulking that's been around the toilet for a million years? I guess it has some kind of smell, but if I dared put my nose to it (yuck) I wouldn't be able to decipher it.

But Minion did. Tonight she was locked in my room while Fernando was asleep and I was out for a few hours, and she located her longed-for caulking in my bedroom garbage. When I saw the overturned garbage I thought she'd just tipped it cause she was being fruity. But later I noticed that at some point today she also broke into the bathroom garbage bag, and the caulking was back on the floor.

She had hunted out the caulking. Stupid me, it's a chewy consistency--her favorite. I should have put it in the secure kitchen garbage. I don't think she ate any actual pieces, though. But she smelled her caulking and tracked it down.


A week ago I took away her original kong because it was getting to the point where pieces might come off and get stuck in her intestines. 


And I'd fixed up her new kong (cut it in half) --

(posted about here)

--so that she liked it better. I thought she'd chew it. But no, I guess she missed Original Kong. So just now I got O.K., cut off the choppy bits, and gave it to her. My days, the love. 

Reunited with her long lost love. I can't see her right now, but I can hear her chewing on it. Erka! Erka! Erka!

Other mistakes I made:

Turning my back on the bread...

Leaving the drawer open where her bullwinkles are (well that's okay, they're hers')...

I don't have a picture of her jumping onto the shelf and eating croutons out of the box, or of knocking the Shreddies box onto the ground and eating those, or of UNTYING the shopping bag and starting in on my chips. Yes, I keep my treats in a reusable bag, and I only tied the handles once, instead of my usual double knot with two clips. As I suspected she can UNTIE a single knot. And eat my chips. 

Haley didn't do too bad either, she scored a piece of fake meat right off my plate, from under my nose. She always gets chips just through Persistence, Nagging and Adorable-tude (she's got some classic cat tricks you don't need High Intelligence for).

She also continued her reign of terror as Halzilla. It's a mothbath in here every night. She usually spots the moths first...

That alerts Minion, who keeps a close watch on Haley (her favorite toy)...

And if the moth is flying around or in attack distance, they're off! It's a mad dash around my livingroom and kitchen, heaven help you if you get in the way!
You see only Minion in this picture? Haley moved so fast the camera couldn't capture her.

This is the lip-licking smile Haley gave me one early morning, coming in from the balcony.  

"Son of Mothra bites it again, Mahmmy."

And then the well-earned rest of the Wickeds in their lairs, or upon the laps on the real minions (the hu-mahns.)

You can't be paranoid if you have cats, cause you get a lot of this:

Though I was once her thing, "Mahmmy" isn't so popular with Haley now that the Minion dominates my lap (and finger) a lot. 

 (Patiently waiting for me to scratch her chin.)

(Here Minion reluctantly takes a Daddy Finger, cause the selfish mother-person wants to use her hands.)

So although Haley is more suspicious of men, and it took her a year or two to get comfortable with Fernando, she's now trained him to be Her's. She's switched allegiance from to being a Daddy's Little Girl. When he gets home from work it's Meow Meow Meow PICK ME UP. This is good because when our Tigernan died, he was Fernando's soul mate (read about it here)*.

Here they're watching Tour de France together.


* Tigernan "Nombly" watching Fernando play Life. 



lora96 said...

Love the pics and commentary! Those opportunistic kittehs may be distant relatives of my poodles...

My doggie Beau who came with me when I married dh does not like men at all...abused by the breeder's husband we suspect. But he adores dh so very much and newer dog Tucker will love on anyone who rubs his belly. He will hop up beside a total stranger and stretch out on his back as if to say, "Go ahead. I'm ready to have my tummy rubbed now!" Anyone who ignores him gets headbutted, pawed at and climbed.
The first time he did this to my animal-apathetic aunt I wished so much I had a video camera b/c Tucker totally won.

London Mabel said...

Tucker 1
Aunt 0

Woo hoo!!

I'm glad Sweet Pea will have some pals waiting for her. :-D


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