"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Evil Genius kitteh

Had a busy weekend--hung out with friend Maewitch on Friday, and then Saturday I went to watch the hubbytude play D&D, and then Sunday I went to my first pow wow. I'll try to post about it tomorrow.

Since I didn't put up a casual weekend post, here's the latest kitty pics, all Minion this time.

Our perpetually bored-because-she's-so-smart kitteh is coming up with her own games now. I came home from Mae's to find a paper towel massacre in the hallway. As I stood there admiring it, she was happy to plop down on the roll, and pose for pictures.

In the Evil Genius category, she's been working on breaking into the garbage can. She started with scratching the exterior. The lid would flop open a bit, so I thought she'd eventually learn to just push open the top...

...but she (after a couple days of this) she pulled it down instead. She didn't even poke through the contents, she was either so surprised, or waiting to get in trouble. Haley had no misgivings, she dug right into the toast I'd forgotten overnight in the toaster and thrown away. I've now put in a different garbage pail with a lid I can snap shut, and she's begun scratching its exterior.

Here's one of her typical climbs up my bedroom screen to catch bugs. That screen doesn't always latch closed well--a moment later I noticed the corner was hanging open. Better reinforce before I lose the cat.

 And just hanging out with me on the bed. She hangs with me most of the time.



Simone said...

She is TOO MUCH!!!

but I still want her....

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

If she had a little help she could take over the world, huh?

London Mabel said...

Once she and Haley start to get along, the world had better look out, alright.

A few weeks ago I saw Haley chase Minion through the apartment, which has NEVER happened before (Minion always chases Haley and Haley's all Growl! AH! AH! Murder!) It seemed like the beginning of a new era of playful getting along, but luckily for the planet it hasn't reproduced itself.


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