"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Haley teh Cat vs. The Monster

I got up from my usual 8PM nap and found this parked on the wall of my kitchen.


It wasn't as colorful, but only radioactivity could have made a moth as long as my finger. Luckily the one kind of bug my two girls can be relied on to not only hunt, but to eat, is moths. It can be hard to point out a bug to cats, but I felt certain I'd succeed.

I wiggled my fingers towards it and Haley, the superior moth hunter (she learned from dear departed Nombly, who was an anxious Woody Allen sort of cat, but the Great Moth Hunter as well as Haley's sensei) and she immediately made: eh eh eh eh! noises.

I lifted Minion up and she immediately spotted... the spider crawling as fast as it could across the ceiling away from Mothra.

"Not the spider, dummy, THAT way."

Then she got it. "RWA RWA RWA RWA!" That means "let me at 'em let me at 'em!" She jumped onto the shelf nearest Mothra and tried climbing over the tupperware with my water bottles in it, but soon had to jump down.

Haley was still surveying the landscape, knowing that it was too rickety up there.

I quickly pulled down my bins. The way was clear, but maybe still too low. I put up a small firm plastic box and Haley was up on it before Minion knew what had happened.

At this point I was also cowering behind the doorway because moths, of course, can fly.

Haley made her first attack. The moth flew towards the other set of shelves. I flew down the the hallway.

When next I peeked down the hallway, Haley was crouched in the shadows, munching away, Minion standing admiringly at her elbow.

It took less than a minute.

How she caught that fricking thing when last I saw it, it was sailing 6 feet over head, high above the cereal boxes, I do not know. But Haley has earned a new nickname...




Judy, Judy, Judy said...

Your cats are fierce!

London Mabel said...

Ya! Except now I have to clean up vomited Mothra. It was too big to fit in her ladylike stomach!

BrotherPaul said...

Vomited Mothra. Now there's an epilogue to a Godzilla film I'd LOVE to see!!

London Mabel said...

It would be as long as Bambi vs Godzilla


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