Now my cats will be so addicted to San Benedetto water from the glaciers of the Dolomites, they'll never want to go back to tap water.
Anyway, as I was zipping down the hill to the store, with my ipod and rubber boots and empty backpack, I thought about this bit from "Wear Sunscreen" :
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying
is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing
bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things
that never crossed your worried mind, the kind that blindside you
at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Which also reminds me of the expression: Worry is a fast getaway on a wooden horse.
This thing, that the real troubles in life will blindside you, is pretty true in my experience. And the things I've really fretted over, they usually worked out okay. I tried to keep that in mind over the weekend.
(By the way, the advisory was lifted Sunday. So we're still stocked and ready for the next emergency!)
what happened to the water that you weren't allowed to drink it?
I don't believe how in sync we are. My work didn't have water AGAIN TODAY. Considering I've only been there a month and it's happened 3x now, I think that's a lot. When it happens, we have to get in our car and go to a different building to go to the bathroom. Do you know what that does to your productivity?
Is this an sign of things to come? Messed up water everywhere?
This is rather disturbing ... what's going on with your water?
I hate when things like that happen. Glad it didn't last for you. As to the worrying, the thing I worry about most is being blindsided. I'm not even trying to be flip, here. I guess my worries are well founded. :)
Since the Waterton, Ont. disaster, cities are ultra conservative about things like "the chlorination system is not performing properly." Ther could have been very little actually wrong with the water, I'm guessing, but it's good not to take chances.
I love this expression: Worry is a fast getaway on a wooden horse.
It's like so many sayings my little Irish grandmother used to come out with: "she's busier than a cat trying to run on a marble floor..." or "there he is, going off in all directions at once..."
Enjoy the security of having some emergency water on hand. Actually, it's just good Urban Survival tactics to be aware of how quickly all the stuff we take for granted can go away -- think Ice Storm. (Yes, this is the voice of The Francey speaking ;-)
Delia - (facepalm)
It was just what my dad says -- when they were testing the chlorine level was a bit low. Sierra's mother is a water engineer, and she explained to me on facebook that the chlorine kills a lot of water born bacteria. (But those bacteria can't live outside of water, which is why we were still allowed to wash our dishes. Isn't that interesting?)
Having no water--much worse! My sympathies, J,J,J !!
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