"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pineapples, turnips, and monkey brains

This week I said to my dad and stepmama: We need a code word to describe when one of us is feeling depressed or grumpy or in some indescribable way not themselves. (My dad's mother passed away recently, and my stepmother is having pain problems in her arms, and you know I'm all in homesicky.) Cause if you ask someone "Are you feeling depressed?" or "Are you feeling grumpy?" it usually makes things worse and they deny it anyway.

My stepmother said I should be called pineapple on those days, cause I don't like pineapple. I thought that was perfect. (And my fave show Psych always features a pineapple!)

I said we'd call her bad days turnip, cause she hates turnips. But we couldn't think of a word for my dad, cause he likes most foods. He said: "Well I might not like monkey brains, like that Indiana Jones movie." So we call his bad days monkeybrains.

This has become an excellent code word, requiring no further explanation. For example...

Last night I couldn't get to sleep til 9 AM cause I was upset about something. When my stepmother got up she looked into my room:

SM - Why are you up so early?
Moi - I couldn't go to sleep. Pineapple.
SM - Ah. (She nodded understandingly.) I couldn't fall asleep cause I was in so much pain, so I'm...
Moi - Turnip.
SM - I'm turnip today. How about your dad, is he monkeybrains?
Moi - I don't know.

Feel free to adopt your own Hate This Food Off Day Label.


Kate George/Bodacious Betty said...

I'm having a boiled onions day.

CiCi said...

Yesterday was definitely a sweet potatoes day. Hopefully today will be much better!

ladada said...

To be complete -- we need an analogous word for those Really Good Days! For example, I once knew a professional bee keeper who told me that on a really bright, sunny, long summer day, his bee hives could produce 10 lbs of honey each. So now, a Really Good Day to me is a "ten pound day!"

widdershins said...

We have the - feeling all 'thing' times, and we both understand quite clearly what that means.

Love BB's 'boiled onions' day!

nancy said...

Oh, pine nuts! I've had two of those days in a row. Totally pine nuts.

I love honey, so a ten-pound day sounds wonderful.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I don't like fish. Fishy has other connotations but still I like it. Today I'm far from fishy, though. Last night my gkids and I saw Brave and Madagascar 3 at the drive in. It was a fun, funny time.
Far from fishy.

London Mabel said...

I just realized that all these foods would make good swear words.

"Oh pine nuts!"

"Oh boiled onions!"

"Oh monkeybrains!"

Julie said...

Going around catching up with all of my FROGS, you understand, and this post made my day! I love it! And, am very sorry that you were all pineapple.

Am immediately adopting "a ten pounds of honey day" to mean GREAT, and will now begin saying that I'm feeling oh so onion & banana when crap goes sideways in my wee head.

Thank you!

Judie said...

This is an awesome post. I'm trying to think about what my day would be... must ponder.

I might have to start saying "Oh Pine Nut!!" What an awesome cus word.

I don't like Chicken legs or thighs (it a bone thing) Or stinky catfood (not to eat, to feed to the cats. Really!!)

I have sooo got to start something at work.

London Mabel said...

@Julie Thanks for the pineapple sympathy. I'm sure since the loss of your friend you've had lots of banana-onion. Wishing you much honey!

@Judie - I think you should go with Chicken Bones. Also a good swear word: "Oh chickenbones!"

As for cussing, don't forget "Baby cheeses!"


Carol said...

What a great idea. Hmm, we will have to adopt this.

London Mabel said...

@Carol Well hopefully life's a little more even-keel for you these days. Less chicken-boney.


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