"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Writing Excuses Season 2: My fave episodes

I've finished season two of the Writing Excuses podcast, so here are my favorite podlies. For my season one picks (and intro to the podcast) go here.


#1 Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 7: Using Writing Formulas with Bob Defendi

#2 Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 8: The Three Act Structure with Bob Defendi : These first two are sort of companion pieces on how to structure a novel.

#3 Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 10: The Boring Parts : How to write the parts of the book that seem boring. The filler between the "I can't wait to write that scene!" parts. And of course... how to make them not boring!

#4 Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 33: How To Not Be Overwhelmed : Addresses the feeling of being overwhelmed by too much writing advice all at once.

How To's:

#5 Writing Season 2 Episode 2: How to Write for Children with Brandon Mull : The discussion is about YA / Teen books. One of the interesting points in here is that Brandon branched out into YA in part because they're aren't genres, so your book doesn't have to fit under a tidy little label.

#6 Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 21: Fight Scenes : Because I never know how to write them. I'm clearly not reading enough action books.

#7 Writing Excuses Season 2 Episode 28: Applying Critical Reading: “Watchmen”

BONUS: Here are two downloadable courses on how to structure your novel. They're both lectures with powerpoint, and you get the powerpoint slides as well. I'm currently working on my own Master Amalgamation of Rich's, Well's, Jennifer Crusie's, and Billy Mernit's structure plans. Meh heh hehhhh.

Lani Diane Rich's take on it. (1 hour, $10)

Dan Wells' structure lecture. (1 hour, free)


widdershins said...

Congratulations on your up-and-coming MA heh, heh, heh

... every writer worth their salt has or is creating one. I have a very fat folder on my computer called, 'Tools', and whenever I'm stuck or feeling a little over-confident, I open it and revisit an appropriate file for a metaphorical whack upside the head ... and get back to work.

(the biggest file is 'procrastination')

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I don't know why but I can't get into podcasts. That will probably change eventually. I just now figured out how to use my iphone like a kindle!
Rich's structure doesn't work for me. I can do a combination of Rich / Crusie but just barely.
I'm thinking of taking Misa Ramirez structure class off of Savvy Authors. I think she calls it the heroes journey.
Can't wait to read your novel!

London Mabel said...

@Widders - I do have a folder like that. :-D But this will be a basic outline that I can put in Scrivener and use for structuring the plot.

@ JJJ - I only got into them when I had to do daily dog walking and needed something more constructive for my brain to latch onto. If you want to try Dan's structure lecture, it's free, so nothing to lose. If you take Misa Ramirez do report back! ;-)


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