CATS (or Teh Evil Ones)
* Apparently our good friend and wee elf Urthalun DOES have A Fault! Hard to believe, I know. But she hates cats. Well maybe it's not a fault--I can understand cat hatred. Cats, after all, are trying to take over the planet and we tend to hate that which we fear. Living with cats is like living with cylons, you always feel condescended to.
This week poor Urthalun, who watches almost no TV, sat down to watch a program on snakes (her fave) and it turned out to be a cat show! I told her it was most likely a curse sent by my witch-cat, Haley--she of the dark heart and the dark arts.
- "I don't care for your new associate, La Mahmmy. I will send her a message."
- "As long as you don't leave a severed dog head in her bed."
- "You mistake me for the feline mafia. We dark artists are much more subtle, Mahmmy."
* This picture is to show you how it's not always my fault that my closet gets messy. (See top right of picture. I used to wonder why my piles of pajamas never stayed upright.)
* This picture is to show you the eventual role humans will play on Planet Cat: A sort of warming plate, with hands for petting. (I was half reclined, trying to use my laptop.)
* Minion so likes her kong toy, I thought she'd like this kong teether cause there's more skinny parts to chew. Classic anthropological mistake, where I went in as the outsider, thinking I understood The Other without actually studying her. She doesn't use the teether at all because she can't hold onto it right. As you can see, she likes the kong because she holds onto the fat part with her feet, and then chews the skinny part. O arrogant hu-mahn that I am!
I don't seem to be making headway through French novels, but am very much in the mood for French graphic novels, so I've switched gears. My review of the second Paul is here, and now I'm reading a gentle love story (Les Années douces) adapted from a Japanese novel. Graphic novels are taken so seriously in the francophone world (France, Belgium, Quebec, etc.) that it's a nice place to poke around if I'm going to practice my French. This Japanese translation, for example, doesn't appear to exist in English. Possibly not the other one I took out either. And, unlike Debbie Travis, I don't judge my literary experience by the sheer # of words.* I'll just end up reading more books in the same period of time, is all. Maybe more, since it's what I'm in the mood for.
click on pic for my review of this one |
I don't think it's good to have other people's voices about writing in your head all the time. No matter how much I respect the source, I will not listen to writing advice, or submission advice, all year round. For example, I follow Jennifer Crusie's blog all year, but when I'm not in Think About Craft mode I skip her stuff on writing. I just read about her lost purse and her funny dogs.
But I'm about to re-write a book, so it's a good time to immerse myself. Everyone else's voice is allowed inside my head right now, and then it's SOLITUDE TIME. When I'm ready for critiques, then I'll be interested in the voices of people who've read my actual book, but it's unlikely I'll return to the craft books, unless it's for a very specific question. Cause at that point they can make you doubt yourself too much. It's already confusing when you let your readers into Your World, let alone Generic Authors of Writing Books. Writing's a fragile business, yo. A delicate balance between having faith in yourself and your beliefs and your vision, and being open to, and recognizing, valid criticism.
I've read some good, some bad, and some entertaining craft books this month. Today I read the first two chapters of The Forest for the Trees, and so far it's the best one. I'll continue to post my reviews on Goodreads, facebook and here. My latest review is of the Donald Maass one--he's a huuuuuge agent. Click on the picture of the book, should take you to my review.
Apparently the last time he came to the Jazz Fest a lot of people were all "wtf he's not a jazz musician". So for the first 80 minutes he played a big-ass long set of jazz-funk-fusion with the lights turned down, including a 20 minute solo by his bassist during which one critique surmised he went to have a foot rub. The same critique said "some suckers left during intermission," after which Prince let loose with his hits and knocked everyone off their feet.
The party had jumped instantly into full swing, Prince had not lost his mind, he was still the one and only Sexy Motherfunker, and he had come to do what he does best, and what he does better than pretty much anyone on the planet.
It's nice to see that, with all his success, the stardom, the post-stardom, - amid the arrogance, the eccentricity, the weirdness and the cool - he hasn't lost his sense of humour. [Mtl Gazette]
Prince may be as crazy as Kevin Smith says, but when you see him on stage, he's not that shy, religious kook--he's sooo entertaining from every video I've seen, or live set I've heard. And he's funny. He specifically requested a small venue, and that it be stripped of all but 300 VIP tables. (The club has room for 2000 seats--Swiss Girl and I went there to see an Abba cover band. Did I say this already? I'm so delirious. "IIII get Delirious, when I'm gonna see Priiince...") I assume that if he's turning the club into one big dance floor... there's going to be dance music involved.
I'm freaking out just a tiny bit.
And I'm not the freaking out type.
And I'm not the freaking out type.
I'm not a fan of Prince, but I'm very glad you get to see someone you love so much. A small-venue show would probably be great with most artists and with your favorite, wow!
Aw, kittehs not evil. Kittehs just helps us reprioritize our lives. We must spend all our time on the kittehs because that helps us be calm and relaxed, right? They're looking out for us!
Get your freak on and keep it on ... this is Prince!
LOL! Thanks so much for the inclusion in this very entertaining post. (I did avert my eyes from the photos which featured CATS too up close and personal.) Enjoy your beloved feline babies, as you should, even if they kinda seem poised to attack us all when our backs are turned. ;)
Fear? Nope. General all 'round distaste for most things fur-covered. Don't you love how we are all able to have our own wee individualities?
Good review of Monsieur Maass. Although, I loved his workbook of the same title. I'm in it for the exercises (It's how I learn!), and I can just skip the prattle. And as exercises go, they're pretty dang good.
Have much fun at your Artist-Currently-Known-As-Prince concert. I'm an 80s Prince fan. After that, I'm lost. Still, I hear he gives good show, so enjoy.
@Skye - The kittehs have got to you too! Oh no!!
@widder - Yay! Now, what to wear...
@urthalun - Thank-you for allowing yourself to be an actress in my humor. ;-) Oooh all that creeepy fur!
@Delia - Good to know about the exercises--that's exactly what I wondered. If his exercise book would be the better thing to buy/recommend. Cause the man has some Serious Experience.
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