"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, August 17, 2012

4 Days to a New You! (and the crowd goes wild)

I'm reading another Martha Beck book. This one is about weight loss, but it's not a diet--it's about changing the way we think. You know... meditation, changing the brain... all my favorite topics.

She has a technique in it that can be applied to any goal. I just came across a great summary of it, but I don't want to reproduce the whole thing here. So I'll give you a snippet and then encourage you to go read it. Ms. Brownlow's been sort of using this method for the past couple months. She needed to get some things done in her home, but has a wrecked back, plus it's been hotashell where she is. So she's just digging away, One Wee Thing at a time. Always moving forward. We are very proud of her. And inspired.

Without further ado! Pamela Slim on the 4-day Win.

How do you construct a 4-day win?
Step 1: Pick a goal
Look at your to-do list and pick a juicy goal such as:
  • Lose 10 pounds
  • Cook more nutritious meals for your family
From this goal, choose a task that you would like to accomplish in one day.  Example:
  • Lose 10 pounds→exercise for 30 minutes
  • Cook more nutritious meals for your family → cook a meal using all organic ingredients
Step 2: Play halvsies until your goal is ridiculously easy to attain
Take your goal from Step 1 and halve it until you know with confidence that you can actually get it done.  Example:
  • Lose 10 pounds→exercise for 30 minutes→do 10 squats
  • Cook more nutritious meals for your family → cook a meal using all organic ingredients→add an organic carrot stick to your plate of Kentucky Fried Chicken
Keep playing “halvsies” until the goal feels just South of totally realistic, and just North of so easy it is insulting.


BarbN said...

I'm reading this book, too, but I haven't even looked at it in about a month. Thanks for reminding me. It's really fascinating, and even though I haven't had it open, I think about it often. I'm still working on the 4th step (5th? one of them, anyway). Good summary of the first one.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I usually hate these self-help things but this one didn't annoy me and I might even try it. Seems doable and possibly helpful.

London Mabel said...

As my first goal I set: Eat one carrot a day. And managed to do it !

@barb - I also stopped around the 4th exercise I think, cause it was a library book. I couldn't scribble in it and stuff. So I ordered it second hand and just need to start at it again.

@JJJ - It helps that Martha Beck has a sarcastic sense of humor, so the self-helpism is levied by the jokes. Good jokes, not mediocre ones. And she begins the book by talking about the studies that show how devastating dieting is on your system, so... so far I approve.


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