"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Better Than a Hollywood Rom Com

Everyone makes better romance movies than Hollywood. The independents, Canadian, Brits, Australians, French... they all come out with wonderful, creative, touching little romantic comedies. But it's the Hollywood ones that get all the press, and then everyone concludes that there are no good romantic comedies being made anymore.

Not true! There are just no good ones being made by the big studios.

I just watched a cute, funny little movie that's on Netflix with English subtitles, from France/Belgium. It's called Romantics Anonymous, though that's a translation of the word "émotif" which really means emotional. Émotifs Anonymes is a real group in France for people with emotional problems. The film apparently came about because the two stars are shy, have both been to the Émotifs group, and thought up a romance movie about shy people.

I'm now going to spoiler the end, but it's a love story so... come on... you know they end up together.

Some people on Jennifer Crusie's blog once talked about how they don't like movie love declarations made in public. Personally I don't mind them, cause I like comedy and public declarations can be really funny--like in Crocodile Dundee. In this movie there's a cute compromise. The declaration happens in front of their two support groups--her Émotifs group and his employees. Just before they kiss she asks him: Are they watching us? He says no. They kiss, and he motions for everyone to turn around. See? Comedy.

At their wedding, he finds her hiding in a closet (he's hiding too.)

And they run away together.

The other thing about non-Hollywood films is the actors aren't always drop dead gorgeous. At least, there's more variety.



Judy, Judy, Judy said...

I totally and completely agree. I love foreign romcoms. Bread and Tulips was funny and sweet. The same actress was in Agatha and the Storm - also good.
Too many to mention.
Hollywood doesn't seem to know how to make romcoms.

Judie said...

I'll have to check this out. I have netflix and a Sunday with no plans. Awesome!!

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I just watched it streaming on netflix. That was so good. Thanks for the reccommendation. So many laughs and all of them subtle.

London Mabel said...

@JJJ - Glad you liked it! And I'll put the two you mentioned on my IMBD list, in case I come across them. If you have any recs that are available on Netflix, that's what I've got access to right now. :-)

@Judie - Hope you enjoy it!

ladada said...

Looking back over some other Netflix movies I liked ... I see I gave "Where the Heart Is" five stars. This trailer perhaps gives away too much, but the only other trailer I could find didn't reveal anything about how good this movie is:


After watching the trailer, I want to watch the movie again!

London Mabel said...

Saw Where the H Is on a plane years ago, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.


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