Recently, the Romney campaign has taken to telling voters that Obama “can’t tell you that you’re better off” now than four years ago. (10 Headlines from Sep 2008)
I keep hearing of this Are you better off than 4 years ago? Mitt thing. I'm not American, but we elected a Conservative majority 4 years ago so maybe I should play along.... Let me consult my blogs. Some amoosing factoids thrown in along the way.
Sep 1
* Hurricane Gustav rolling into Haiti. --> Presumably Haitians better now.
* A pseudo-friend had done something to piss me off. Friend Gilby gave useful analogy I share with you :
Gilby has an amusing but useful new analogy for friendships. He sees his friends as positions in a company, and sometimes you demote someone, or promote someone, or fire someone etc. If you demote a friend they have less responsibility, so you know, yay for them--but it means less benefits and pay too. Amusing, but pretty true. I'm on Gilby's Board of Directors, so I guess I'm alright.
--> 4 years later that friend's been demoted from the mail room to Entertaining Street Performer who perplexes me with weird routine, and yet strangely fascinates so I still walk down that street sometimes. Count that as better.
Sep 4
* Still thought I'd be getting a college teaching job one day soon. --> Nope. = worse
Sep 25
* Had graduated from my MA in the spring. --> Didn't get me a job = worse
* Nombly and Sherry cats still alive. --> But we have Haley & Minion so = same
Sep 27
* Re Canadian women: "in the past 20 years, young women with university educations consistently had lower rates of voter turnout than their male counterparts.
---> Don't know if that's any better.
I still had a job in Sep 2008, and now I don't. Could but that under worse, but I was overdue to leave that job so... let's say better. --> Better
3 = better
2 = worse
1 = even
1 = don't know
Officially my life is better now than 4 years ago. Does that mean Harper's a good PM? Come on son! Of course not. Thank-you useless-Mitt.
As I'm running out of money, I'd have to say that I am not doing better than four years ago. But I was unemployed then and unemployed now, so that's the same. My potential for finding work is unknown; all I can do is try my best. And do things I'm not well suited for, such as cold calling and networking. I'm better at networking than I was four years ago.But Mitt, you conservatives have fought against everything that would have helped me, so I have to say I'm not better off because of you! (My health insurance is much higher now, thank you very much.)
Home: Living on Widderlake Island - Waaay better than an apartment in the city.
Work: 'Mortal Instinct' published and selling modestly well - better.
Health: Menopause and dicky knee - lets call 'em 'works in progress'!
Love life: Still happily married - same.
All in all, better off than 4 years ago ... no thanks to either Mitt or our Mutt though!
I have a better job and yes, I am happier now than 4 years ago. Also, I am not in a constant state of fear of what the former idiots running the government could and would do at any moment.
Mitt is useless in oh so many ways.
@Skye - Yeah it's foolish the way the Republicans are pretending they had nothing to do with the political decisions of the past 4 years.
@Widders - Yay! Happy for you!
@JJJ - I'm glad the Democratic convention speeches went so well. I sincerely hope you guys get another 4 years and not those extremist nutjobs.
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