"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, October 12, 2012

Puppydoodles, birdyloos and kittenatudes

Thu night: Once more on the ferry over to Vancouver. My mum's having her second knee replacement--the first one made a huuuge difference, so it'll be worth all that pain and physio again. I can only stay this weekend, though, to take care of the puppies and Mystry-boy while she's in the hospital. Then a friend is going to come bring food for two weeks.

Fri afternoon: I've been a bit out of the online loop cause I got a job. Not le dream job, it's retail; but among retail jobs, I think it'll be a good one. Will post about that later.

When I arrived at mum's and greeted the dogs last night, I said: Puppydoodles! Just like when I arrive at my parents' home I always say Birdyloos! Apparently I think a group of dogs is a puppydoodle, and a group of birds is a birdyloo. Of course a group of cats is a kittenatude.

Mystery-cat acted exactly like his old self when I arrived--nagging to be let up on the counter for his food, nagging to go outside, wanting to play feather stick, wanting back into the kitkat club. Although he's been better since Chino died, mum said this was his first full old annoying self reemergence. (I think I mentioned that he didn't eat for four days? He's lost weight, but luckily he was fat before.) So we now hypothesize that maybe his depression came because I left, and right after Chino got sick and died. He's known me for years, but those two months were the longest I've stayed with him.

Mystry on my lap, Eddie in background
So I'm glad I came. I don't think he'll be depressed when I leave, but will just have a reminder that I always come back.

In puppydoodle news: Yesterday my mother told Sassy that Auntie Terri was coming. She stuck up her ears and looked! at the front door. There are no flies on that kid!

Sassy sitting on my feet
In birdyloo news, they continue to grow more comfortable with me. Philea looks inclined to let me kissnher on the beak, I just haven't got up the nerve. And when I got home from work the other day she did her "you're home!" scream. I'm usually up before France now, so I let them out and give them some peanut butter, so maybe they like the new routine.

In house news, my mother's had one offer, thou presumably subject to the conditions being met. This being a foreclosure we don't always have the deets. She got the news yesterday, I believe AFTER I had just bought her a new lucky elephant. Elephants with the trunk up are good luck, and she has one by the couch but it broke not only it's trunk but one leg after another! So when we got 15 elephants of various shapes and sizes into my store (I'm at a thrift store) I chose a new one out for her.

So that's the news. Goodnight.



Simone said...

Happy to hear about the job! Looking forward to those details!

Skye said...

Good to hear you found something, even though it isn't the ideal job you are still looking for. It's something.

What fun to be with the mom's menagerie for a little bit! They are obviously happy to be with you, all snuggled up or hanging out with you like that.

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

You work in a store where you get in shipments of elephants. Awesome.

widdershins said...

Big congrats on the job!!! ... cyoot critter pics.

Hope all goes well with your Mum's appendage.

London Mabel said...

@Simone - I wrote the post, just gotta re-read it.

@Skye - Mom's Menagerie is always lovely. Full of love.

@JJJ - lolllllzzzz That is a good way to think of it!

@widders - My mum's operation went perfectly well, thank-you. Yay for the elephant!


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