"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Prince. Crowd. Surfed.

So yesterday my buddy Madame Miroir and I rushed to close up shop at exactly 5:30 so I could zip down to the seaplane and hop the 6 PM from Nanaimo to Vancouver. I was off to see Prince!

Beautiful sunny day, could even see into the water at places, see little fishies. My mum met me at the local bar, then we went downtown. Happened to park outside the book store where my brother is night manager. He hadn't started yet, but we left him a note "from Prince." So he'd know we were thinking of him.

Then we stood in line with three nice drunk people, and ended up in sort of the 11th row (5th row, but there was a standing area in the front.) Then we ROCKED OUT!!

Prince is doing this little West Coast tour, in small venues, with a band he put together of three women (one from Montreal). So it was classic 4 piece band rock, and distorted and shreddy and guitar heavy and AWESOME. It was not  "top of the pops" concert, which many reviewers slammed him for; but we knew that going in. Prince is just super entertaining, almost anyone would enjoy him, even if you didn't know the songs. He plays with the audience, he flirts, he dances, he shakes his booty, he does call and response, and then... he crowd surfed!!

Only at our concert (out of the 4 he played.) I never imagined an artist of his stature would crowd surf, cause don't you risk being killed? Anyway, we went nuts, even those of us not in on the action.

It ended at 1:30 and then we sat around talking til 5. Today we drove around White Rock where they film our fave show Psych (pretending it's San Diego).

Here's the version of Let's Go Crazy that he played:

LETSGOCRAZY from Madison Dubé on Vimeo.

___LOVE SONG OF THE DAY: Sex Month____

A new version of "Eye Could Never Take the Place of Ur Man" (the version played at our concert.) A sex song in that it's about turning a woman down because...

I may be qualified 4 a one night stand
But I could never take the place of your man


Simone said...

Glad you had fun!!

Skye said...

Yay for you and your Prince concert! So glad you and your mom had a good time! Up all night? Wow, you guys are tough. Sounds like a good time all in all.

widdershins said...

Big smiles for you both :D


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
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