"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Yesterday was a bit weird.

I've been finding lately that the depressions is lifting, and I'm more often feeling like Yea Aulde Selfe. But today it came and bited me on the bottom again. I felt very homesick for Fernando and Kittehs.

Earlier this week, when I was feeling good, I'd agreed to go with my parents to the dinner they were invited to. This is something I've resisted since coming here. I'm not crazy about spending time with strangers, my reasoning being: I have so many good, good friends who I don't see enough--if I've got time to socialize, then I'd rather be deepening those relationships. And the rest of the time I like to be at home. Being with others energizes me to some extent (extrovert) but then I still need masses of time to myself (introvert.)

Anyway, I did it for my daddio. But then I woke up under SUCH a cloud, it was awful. Dragged myself through the day, grumplestiltskins. Their friends were lovely, lovely, people, and I hope I got through it without coming off as an asshole. But in the end, this must be one of the reasons we isolate when we're depressed: Cause we don't want to disappoint others. Or snap at them. Or be mean. We don't want to be in situations where failure is a higher statistical probability.

Oh well. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Love this whole album. Our parents had this album when we were kids and we thought this was just a baseball game. One of the great sex songs of our time. I can sing every word. "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" -- the juxtaposition of heaven and a car has Jim Steinman written all over it. Love that he can write a beautiful line like...

Baby don't you hear my heart?
You've got it drowning out the radio

...alongside monumental cheese:

So open up your eyes I've got a big surprise
It'll feel alright, well I wanna make your motor run!


Robena Grant said...

Hope the blues have lightened. I'm like you when I'm in a funk. I'd rather stay in and read that subject others to my gloom. ; )

widdershins said...

Some days we just want to walk around saying, "Bah! Humbug!" ... and frown at everyone.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Yeah I don't like to go to the social events my mom would drag me to if I weren't fiercely protective of my time. Every wedding, shower, funeral that she can even distantly relate to for miles around. Uh - no.
Sorry about the depression. I just finished Sarah-Kate Lynch's book Finding Tom Conner. In it the main character has good reason for depression and she just keeps going from disaster to disaster. Until one disaster leads her to a hea. The thing is, amidst the disasters there is such humor, and not hollywood humor, real humor. There are a couple of things that I will laugh about for days.

Anonymous said...

Oh you described it perfectly! And yes, staying ALONE is probably our survival instinct.

This album!!! It was something truly special when it first came out, and it appears, holds up well over time, too.
I still know all the words to all the songs..... oh the memories.
(who is singing along now)

London Mabel said...

Thanks all, of COURSE I knew you'd understand. ;-)


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