Often driving along I'll hear a lyric or two, and I'm intrigued, and I'll check the song out when I get home. It's not always a success, like finding the video to "Say Something." Or when I looked up will.i.am's "Scream & Shout" because the chorus sounded like "all we are we are" which was interesting in the middle of a club song, but it turned out to be "oh we oh we oh".
But "Rude" by the band MAGIC!* was more successful, which I looked up based on "Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway."
The video is cute, the band is cute, the singer's dancing is cute, the red cap with tux is cute, the group support by the band is cute,
the lyric video* is cute, and writing a song addressed to your girlfriend's dad is cute. I especially like that he's not angry that the dad doesn't want him to marry the girlfriend; he's hurt by bad manners.
The lead singer looks and acts like that
dude (skater, stoner, poet, he comes in a few guises) whom we've all known and loved at some point in our lives. I mean loved in the way where you want to pat him on the head and squish his little cheeks and tell him "marry that girl."
Also it's smart to have a chorus that goes "why you gotta be so rude?" cause it helps your fans defend you on youtube.
* The song's a big hit in Australia/New Zealand, though the band is
Canadian, and the singer a Palestinian-Canadian who's written for a
zillion pop stars.
** I love this "lyric video" phenomenon. Only reliable source for lyrics on the net.