"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, January 10, 2014

Ta da! My first scarf and hat

This is a gift for Fernando. He doesn't have it yet, but I don't think he read me blog. I'd better send it soon, with all the frigid weather!

This was from a bag of alpaca yarn, 6 balls for 3$ minus my discount. Didn't know what I was going to do, but i loved the color.

The hat's a but conical--I was playing with the sizing as I went. I found a math calculation for figuring out how wide to make your beanie hat, but mistrusted it. Shouldn't have! I think it was right, after all.

But at least it can be pulled real low.

On the back I made a puffy kitty. Fernando wears a llama eared hat, so I think he'll wear it. But he can just wear indoors too, to keep his bald headwarm. I made this bit at the back that goes low to warm the neck.
The scarf was easy--half double crochet, crocheting into thr back stitch onlyto create the ribs.
And I improvised my own ear warmer bits.
The scarf is thin, but floor length, to give you that Dickensian feel!




Skye said...

Beautiful! You are a crocheting diva with all that making up patterns and all! Great color, too. I'm going to a big goodwill here in Seattle this Sunday and am hoping to score a lot of great yarn now that it's after the holidays and people have either given up or ended up with too much. Maybe have to hit up some other thrift stores too! Good score on the alpaca! I love alpaca!

widdershins said...

...must not hit thrift stores for MORE wool ... must not hit thrift stores for MORE wool ... must not ...

I love long scarves, and the toque is a thing of beauty :D

London Mabel said...

Skye - Good luck with your yarn thrifting!
Widders - Good luck stopping your yarn thrifting! (I know SO hard.)

BarbN said...

Love love love the kitty on the back. I tried to learn to knit 3-4 years ago and didn't make much progress. Also, love seeing a picture of YOU! You look great!

Unknown said...
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