"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Homemade earring holder

In high school I wore earrings ALL the time. It was my thing. Sometime in my 20s I got rid of my collection because I was wearing my glasses all the time and big earrings & glasses = crazy old lady look. Too much going on.

But then I stopped wearing my glasses except when necessary, because they trigger headaches. And so I began to collect again. At home I have a jewellery organizer as big as my door...

I didn't bring any of them to Nanaimo, so I've been slowly amassing a new collection, and I needed a holder for them.

This is a rectangle of single crochet, crocheted onto two (thrifted) dowels. I added a scalloped border for attaching post earrings.

The dowels turned out to be handy for necklaces and bracelets.

Close ups!
Squid bracelet

Mad Men era necklaces
Old broach

Super Grover!


Modern bracelet

Old fashioned lovers

Chicks done in wood

Kitty bracelet

Now when I get home I'll need a solution for my other obsession: scarves!


Anonymous said...

OMG, this is so perfect! I need something for my (self-made) jewelry and have no place for a stand and have been agonizing over what I could use (corkboard in a picture frame? Cloth board?). This is the answer! Thank you!!

London Mabel said...

Ooh I'm glad! Find some online advice on how to crochet onto the dowels, though. My starting row was all messed up and silly looking, lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I've done broomstick and hairpin crochet, so I have no worries about the first row. But it's a great solution -- thanks for being so creative, I would never have thought of it myself! Cheers!

widdershins said...

Magnificent solution!

For scarves - 2 curtain rod holders screwed to the wall at about shoulder height + broom handle = scarf draper.


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