"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, January 6, 2014

Two fave books of 2013: We learn and live

Favorite book cover: I'll have to go with The Rules of Civility, which is also one of my favorite titles. I read this book solely based on the cover.

Favorite book: I'll also say Rules of Civility, though I listened to it on audio while commuting. I don't know if that affected my experience.
“Uncompromising purpose and the search for eternal truth have an unquestionable sex appeal for the young and high-minded; but when a person loses the ability to take pleasure in the mundane--in the cigarette on the stoop or the gingersnap in the bath--she had probably put herself in unnecessary danger.” 

Also did audio for Snuff by Pratchett. Only Pratchett can make little pots made of bodily fluids the basis of a touching story about civil rights for goblins.
“In fact, if there were such a thing as an international thieving contest, Ankh-Morpork would bring home the trophy and probably everyone's wallets.” 

“We live and learn, or, perhaps more importantly we learn and live.” 


Skye said...

Interesting. I doubt I'll read Rules of Civility, but I might approach Snuff. I'm told I need to give Pratchett another chance; I didn't find Going Postal laugh-out-loud funny, or even more than mildly humorous in places. I've been nudged to try others.

London Mabel said...

My brother doesn't like Pratchett yet either. I keep telling him it's impossible. ;-)

For me, his language is so Wodehousian, that it's my kind of humor. But hey, these things are personal.


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