"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fave 3 TV shows in 2013: It's just like the Hamptons...

Of TV shows: Orange is the New Black, about a women's prison. Man was it good! Great characters, some of whom start of as clichés but get realer as time goes on (Crazy Eyes!!) And a great racial mix. Plus... well, it shows an all-chick cast can carry a TV show. I loved Oz, but this show is much funnier. "It's just like the Hamptons, only fucking horrible."

Mad Men was as good as They said (and The Hours a good follow up.)

Of old shows:  The BBC House of Cards--funnier than the American one. It's about a minister who's been passed over for a top position in the new government, so he sets out to destroy everyone above him.

And then Game of Thrones, and all my old shows like Nashville, New Girl, Psych, etc etc. Anyone who says TV these days is rubbish isn't watching the right things. ;-)


widdershins said...

My faves: 3 little fishes in a big pond filled with lots of other little fishies.

1 - Last Tango in Halifax (Uk show. Only had 6 episodes per season, but OMG they were perfect - has been renewed for a 3rd season - YAY!!!!)

2 - Lost Girl (Canadian - a wonderful suspension-of-belief romp)

3 - Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (not necessarily a favourite, but had potential with the tie-in to the Marvel universe.

London Mabel said...

1 - Will definitely look up. One wants one's UK Television.

2 - My brother's been raving about it, it's on my To Do list.

3 - I've been watching it. It hasn't yet lived up to full Whedon potential, but I haven't given up.


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