"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

life updates

I'm making my first slippers. Vair easy pattern! I've had poor luck with ones bought on etsy (wore out or stretched out) so now must make my own.

Not much going on in my life. I'm starting to focus more on my short time left, what I feel I still need to learn while I'm here.

And on a practical level, looking to maybe buy a hatchback wagon and sell my sedan. More room to move stuff home, and for buying furniture. It's what I wanted in the first place, but was in too much of a rush last time we shopped.

Did I mention my dad had his surgery to remove prostate cancer? It all went well, he's at home recovering.

That's about it for me. Hope you're all well. :-)


Deborah Blake said...

Glad your dad is doing well! "Short time I have left"...is there something you're trying to tell us?

Robena Grant said...

Ooooh, how exciting to see my book there at the bottom of your post, and sort of frightening that it's in such great company. : )

I'm so glad that your father is doing well. My brother-in-law is about to go through the same surgery. I looked at your ticker tape, and I can't believe how fast this is going. Maybe not for you, but it seems so to me.

widdershins said...

Glad to hear about your dad :D ... all digits crossed that his test results come back, and stay, clear!

I agree with Deborah, the 'short time I have left' is a bit ominous, although I'm banking on it meaning you only have 4 months and change before you head for parts east.

I love how that pattern has info for peeps all over the globe, not just the usual US-centric info.

The WidderCar is a hatchback and we are still surprised at how much 'stuff' we can stuff in there!


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