"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, February 10, 2012

Input Needed!

Howdee folks! This is going to be a bit rambly, but I hope you don't mind reading it cause I need your feedback.

When I first started blogging I had one blog, my personal one. I started it when my dad and step-mother moved out west, to keep in touch with them.

Then I felt I was bogging it down with too many posts about music and so forth, so I made my personal one only about actual What's Going on in My Life, so that friends and family could check in on me and not wade through all sorts of crap. And I made new blogs for the other topics:

Beauty/Appearances [now Mabeltalk.com]
Romance (in all mediums)

Then I found I wasn't consistently updating Music. Spiritual and Writing, so I stopped them. Focused more on the Beauty one, which turned into Mabeltalk.com. And continued my personal one.

But then I missed the music part again! So I tried out a website. (Plus I have a writer website, but there's no blog on it.) And I started another blog for Funny Comments. 

you lost yet? 

But once again I found the music thing came and went in waves--I wasn't consistent. And though I tried to be consistent with the Comments one, when life overtook me, I let it drop for sanity's sake.

And somewhere in there I decided to discontinue my personal blog and merge it with Mabeltalk, so that it would be more personal in tone. ...And then I decided to bring all other topics back to this blog as well.

huff huff huff tiring! i need a graph right now

So here we are. And it seems like a good time as any to pause and take stock. So here are my questions.

- Should I post less often? (I try to post every day.)
- Would it be better to have themes by days? Eg. Kittehs on Monday, Humor on Tuesday, etc. ? Or would it not really make a difference.
- Would it be helpful to have something in the blog post title that indicates what kind of post it's going to be? Like this: 

CATS - Oliver Followup
MUSIC - Why I Like Rap

Then if you don't like music posts, they're easy to skip. Or if you have an extreme abhorrence to cats, you can be sure to skip.

- Or is there totally some other thing you'd like? Are you indifferent to all of the above? What d'ya think bebbies?

Thanks! And thanks for coming by, I do love chatting with y'all.

Love, Miss London Mabel



Simone said...

Sounds like what you need is one main blog site with multiple pages in the one place. We need only to track one website and then just click on the page we want to read.

You can post as much or as little per page, but the themes will be grouped together.

Something like that... did that make sense?

Delia said...

I don't mind it all mixed up. Doesn't bother me one bit. It's a personal blog, after all, write what's personal to you. I would say, though, that if you're trying to be published and you want a blog to put on your query or something like that, you should probably do a dedicated author blog. Other than that, go crazy. It's your house.

nancy said...

I like reading about all sorts of things, so I'm happy to have you mix it up. The problem I have [and this is me, it's not you, really] with all the separate pages is I don't always look or know where to look or when, so I do best with everything easy to find on one page. And I wouldn't need to know what will be there on which day. I love cats; I love music [I don't like rap but I'll read what you have to say about it]; I'm interested in what you have to say about all manner of things.
And I like daily posts. Perhaps some days you could post a cartoon or some music or something that requires less work from you, one you might just like to share but don't feel like writing much about. Or you could even re-visit old posts if that would save a bit of work/time for you.

Skye said...

I like it all mixed up, but I agree with what Delia said for a writer's blog. I have a professional blog that needs twice-weekly posts, which I haven't managed yet. I am merging more of my therapy blog into my regular personal blog, so I know what you mean.

I like how you have it, but having tabs for different subjects to keep them separate if you want that would be a decent way to go and keep everything on the same blog.

I like your blog and all the new stuff I get exposed to, even if I don't always comment.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I like it exactly as is. I like your quotes at the top, also. I like your variety. And I've never really had trouble figuring out what a post was going to be about so far.
I like that you post everyday but I don't want you to feel pressured to do so. I do good to put up 2 posts a week. I don't know how you and Julie manage posting every day.

Judie said...

I like you blog. I like the variety. As Delia said, It's your house go crazy.

If you have tabs for writing, music etc just remind me to look up from time to time.

I really like your quotes, they never fail to make me smile.

widdershins said...

1)Love your daily posts - but would survive with a couple a week.

2) Wouldn't make a difference - I like surprises - you could go with the titles you suggested, but like I said, I like surprises. Maybe create categories for them in your archive list.

3)For me, this is a case of, 'tain't broke, so don't fix it'.

5)If you want to include author content here, and make this a one-stop-Mabel-shop, then just have a, 'Author-ly Stuff' category.

Robena Grant said...

I enjoy the variety. Kudos to you for posting every day. I post once a week. I'm mixing it up a bit, personal stuff, author interviews, etc. I don't think it matters. Mine, as you know, is part of my website. So same name. I try to keep it not too far out there in left field, because of the writing side of things. : )

London Mabel said...

Thank-you dahlings!

gmc said...

I like it as is ... if it's something I'm not in the mood for I might skim ... otherwise read more carefully. But I'm always interested in checking what's new and what your comments and insights are each day.

Julie said...

I'm tardy, so everything has pretty much been said. And I agree. Don't feel pressured to do anything that's stress-inducing.
Also, you know I'd LOVE a huge blinking warning sign:


But, lol, that's just me. Your house, your cats, your rules.


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