"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weighty Matters

I have nothing exciting to say, so I thought I'd mention Mary Stella's blog. She's a Betty who recently had weight loss surgery and she'd blogging about the after-days. It's just very interesting. Well all the blogs I read are interesting, but it's interesting in re. this specific subject. For example, I knew you couldn't eat large quantities of food in one sitting, but it didn't occur to me that out on a hot day you wouldn't be able to throw back a ton of water all at once. Interesting, interesting...

I never seem able to read blogs on a daily basis, so end up catching up about once a week. And sometimes time goes by so fast I think it's been 3 days and then realize it's been 14! Heavens. I keep Google Chrome just for blog reading, I have all the blogs I read open in tabs, and open Chrome when I'm ready to read them. I leave them on the last post I read in case there was a reply (cause getting replies in my in box wasn't working for me.) So I open it up and am all "What the-! That long!"

I'm rubbing my sleepy-eyes so can't even finish catching up on Mary Stella's. Will return tomorrow.




Robena Grant said...

I'm loving all of these blog posts, and try to catch up every day or so, but like you, sometimes I miss the discussion. There's just so much info out there, all good, but not enough time...must go write. : )

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Yeah I take it in spurts, too. I'll catch and read everyday for a while and then I don't have time for a few days that turns into a week or something.
Life is that way. Mine, at least.

Julie said...

I was doing pretty well with the reading every day, but then Dan's schedule changed, so that meant MINE changed too. (It always boils down to:
and now, back to me.)

Great way to organize them with the open browser Ms Mabel. I'm gonna need a new way soon.
I had to cut a few out, there was just NOT enough hours, and some, for me, had run their course.

I'm enjoying Mary's new journey as well, and find it SO intersting that SO many of us struggle with such similar situations, although they SEEM to be so different.

London Mabel said...

@Robena - We could keep up if only we didn't have the pay the bills. Sheesh!

@JJJ - Glad I'm not alone...

@Julie - Oh that Dan... good thing he's a keeper!


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