"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, May 14, 2012

Le logdriver est stone

One of my Inspire Me Songs this past year was "Taking Chances"--written by former Eurythmics dude Dave Stewart, and usually sung by Celine Dion, though I have a fab version by Dave Stewart and Kara DioGuardi. If you're looking for an inspirational kick in the pants, I recommend it.

What do you say to taking chances?
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or a hand to hold, or hell to pay?
...What do you say?

And back to our regular Monday music: Fave music in 2011

"Le monde est stone" - Marie-Josée Lord - This is a gorgeous orchestral opera arrangement of the big hit from the Great Quebecois Musical Starmania. You don't need to speak French, it just feels beautiful.
Let me struggle
Don't come and rescue me
But rather, come finish me off
To prevent me from suffering
I've a head about to burst
I'd like only to sleep
To stretch myself on the asphalt
And let myself die.

"The Log Driver's Waltz - Kate & Anna McGarrigle - Sadly the world was Kate-less this year as she died in 2010, but they released an album of "oddities" and at last I own this song! I'm a big fan of the McGriddle Sisters (as a friend calls them) and this is the first song I heard, cause Canada's National Film Board cartoon would play on TV when I was a child. Gord bless youtube.


Robena Grant said...

Gorgeous. I loved them all. Even did a little chair dance to last one. : )

widdershins said...

Log driver's Waltz ... wonderful. Loved the moose.

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

I think you posted the Log Driver one before. Maybe on Bettyverse. Anywho someone did and I loved it. I showed my gkids and they loved it. They kept asking me to show other people who also loved it.
I'm not crazy about the first music but that blue dress is incredible!

London Mabel said...

Maybe I posted it on my old personal blog. I'm so glad people like it, and to think of a new generation of kids loving it!


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