"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, September 7, 2012

Is my life better than 4 years ago?

Recently, the Romney campaign has taken to telling voters that Obama “can’t tell you that you’re better off” now than four years ago. (10 Headlines from Sep 2008)

I keep hearing of this Are you better off than 4 years ago? Mitt thing. I'm not American, but we elected a Conservative majority 4 years ago so maybe I should play along.... Let me consult my blogs. Some amoosing factoids thrown in along the way.

Sep 1

* Hurricane Gustav rolling into Haiti. --> Presumably Haitians better now.

* A pseudo-friend had done something to piss me off. Friend Gilby gave useful analogy I share with you :
Gilby has an amusing but useful new analogy for friendships. He sees his friends as positions in a company, and sometimes you demote someone, or promote someone, or fire someone etc. If you demote a friend they have less responsibility, so you know, yay for them--but it means less benefits and pay too. Amusing, but pretty true. I'm on Gilby's Board of Directors, so I guess I'm alright.

           --> 4 years later that friend's been demoted from the mail room to Entertaining Street Performer who perplexes me with weird routine, and yet strangely fascinates so I still walk down that street sometimes. Count that as better.

Sep 4

* Still thought I'd be getting a college teaching job one day soon. --> Nope. = worse

Sep 25

* Had graduated from my MA in the spring.  --> Didn't get me a job = worse

* Nombly and Sherry cats still alive. --> But we have Haley & Minion so = same

Sep 27

* Re Canadian women: "in the past 20 years, young women with university educations consistently had lower rates of voter turnout than their male counterparts.

    ---> Don't know if that's any better.

I still had a job in Sep 2008, and now I don't. Could but that under worse, but I was overdue to leave that job so... let's say better. --> Better

3 = better
2 = worse
1 = even
1 = don't know

Officially my life is better now than 4 years ago. Does that mean Harper's a good PM? Come on son! Of course not. Thank-you useless-Mitt.


Skye said...

As I'm running out of money, I'd have to say that I am not doing better than four years ago. But I was unemployed then and unemployed now, so that's the same. My potential for finding work is unknown; all I can do is try my best. And do things I'm not well suited for, such as cold calling and networking. I'm better at networking than I was four years ago.But Mitt, you conservatives have fought against everything that would have helped me, so I have to say I'm not better off because of you! (My health insurance is much higher now, thank you very much.)

widdershins said...

Home: Living on Widderlake Island - Waaay better than an apartment in the city.

Work: 'Mortal Instinct' published and selling modestly well - better.

Health: Menopause and dicky knee - lets call 'em 'works in progress'!

Love life: Still happily married - same.

All in all, better off than 4 years ago ... no thanks to either Mitt or our Mutt though!

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

I have a better job and yes, I am happier now than 4 years ago. Also, I am not in a constant state of fear of what the former idiots running the government could and would do at any moment.
Mitt is useless in oh so many ways.

London Mabel said...

@Skye - Yeah it's foolish the way the Republicans are pretending they had nothing to do with the political decisions of the past 4 years.

@Widders - Yay! Happy for you!

@JJJ - I'm glad the Democratic convention speeches went so well. I sincerely hope you guys get another 4 years and not those extremist nutjobs.


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