"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, January 3, 2013

12 Days of 2012 - 7 - Romance!

I unfinished at least three romance novels this year, but eventually found a few treasures...

Indiscretion - Jude Morgan  The best Heyer-Austen type romance I've found in years. Talked about it here.

Edenbrooke - Julianne Donaldson  A Goodreads nominations for best romance. Loved. It. Highly recommend. To quote the author, it's the "romance of restraint"(aka: no sex), the suspense of not knowing if the other person feels about you the way you do about them.

(But if sex scenes are a must, the only sexified romance I really enjoyed this year was Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake.)

To get all the meh books out of my head, I of course read Heyer. The Reluctant Widow slows at the end, but is otherwise populated by the usual sensible protagonists, and silly, charming sidekicks.

Hart of Dixie (TV) - How do you make the clichéd Town Bitch into a character you root for? You make her fall in love with the good natured ex-football star mayor. And then you keep them apart to torture the viewers!

Also loved...

Anna and Bates in Downton Abbey (TV)

The Deal (movie) - Unlikely pairing of Meg Ryan and a suicidal, alcoholic William H Macy

Nice arcing romance in teen trilogy about Ruby Oliver, by E Lockhart

Murdoch Mysteries (TV) - An epic romance that's being dragged out to the extent that I fall upon the thorns of life and fucking bleed!

"Maps" as covered by The Fray. About romancing a cartographer? Who the beep knows. It's just beautiful.

 "Unthinkable" - Alicia Keys  About two people on the brink of declaring their love.
I'm gonna sit right here and tell you all that comes to me
If you have something to say, you should say it right now

"Old Fashioned" from my boyfriend Cee-Lo.

"All the Boys" - Keri Hilson
I remember all the kisses
The hits and misses
I never knew a love like this

 "Sad" - Maroon 5
I'm scared to death
That there may not be another one like this
And I confess
That I'm only holding on by a thin thin thread

Also loved...

"The Twelfth of Never" - Dolly Parton and Keith Urban
"Love Like This" - Natasha Bedingfield with Sean Kingston
"I Won't Let That Chump Break Your Heart" - Carl Carlton
"I Can Dream About You" - Dan Hartman (but wonderfully lip synched in this dance number)
"She Will Be Loved" - Maroon 5 (check out this duet version)
 "Breathe" - Faith Hill (here she is with Santana)
and "old Mr Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine" le sigh Alison Krauss, Keith Whitley, and Union Station: "When You Say Nothing At All"


Judie said...

Anna and Bates - definately.

Skye said...

I love your lists. I get exposed to the most interesting music.

Robena Grant said...

Love this. I'm listening to Cee-Lo as I type. And every time I see the cover for Edenbrooke I think that I want to read it, and then I forget. So now it is officially on my list. : )

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

I love Hart of Dixie. Unfortunately it is on when I'm working. If I were the type to tape a show - this is the one I would tape.
Gonna check out that Fray song and the Maroon 5 song. Also putting the Deal in my netflix queue. Never even heard of it before.

London Mabel said...

@Judie - I'm also eager for the last sister to get some action. Hope that happens this season. But ahhhh! Bates!!

@Skye - Thank-you! I love music so much... can't help posting about it all the time.

@Robena - Isn't he lovely? I hope you enjoy Edenbrooke. It's very sweet, and full of yearning.

@JJJ - You watch it too?! You can watch the latest episodes online at the CW network--that's what I do.

I only watched The Deal cause it's in Netflix. It's not a perfect movie, but it's weird-funny-romantic and Macy is always great.

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