"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Resolution? Less TNT mornings

I've never had new years' resolutions. But during the year a few smooshy goals sort of emerge, and I just gently push myself in those directions. Seems to work just fine!

This past year it was learning to meditate. ...And without Setting Out to Do It, I also learned to drink water, and eat apples.

My sort of mantra was: Do the thing you think you cannot do (Eleanor Roosevelt). Sometimes I succeeded (starting to write again) sometimes I failed (Nanowrimo). And I don't mind that word "failed." It's okay to fail. Everyone does at some point(s). I faced up to my fears--in baby kitty steps--and that's what matters.

My companion in this was Ms Brownlow, who has a lot of obstacles in her life, but all the same tried every day to do her little thing. She bravely chipped away at the Things She Thought She Could Not Do, and each of those tasks is now smaller than it was one year ago. So congrats to Ms. Brownlow, you were very inspirational!
The only goal to naturally emerge so far this year is to get to bed earlier when I have work the next day. I just hate HATE those first ten minutes of waking up and feeling like I want to light up a stick of dynamite and blow my pajama-ed self to smithereens.

But more than that, I'm motivated by the deleterious cumulative effect. Maybe I'll write about that another time.

Best of luck to all of you, in whatever purposeful or accidental or incidental challenges you take on this year. I know you'll all shine like stars. :-)

This calls for a song! One of my 2012 faves: "Do It Now" by Ingrid Michaelson

Don't waste a minute on
The darkness and the pity sitting in your mind
And do it right now


Julie said...


"....whatever purposeful or accidental or incidental challenges...."

is perfection. I may borrow it.

Julie said...

Oh wait, I forgot to say how much I love this song. THAT'S exactly the type of music I adore. I'm gonna ask Dan how we buy this, and put it on my pool rotation.

Thank you for your always generous sharing.

Skye said...

I like your description of "TNT mornings". I've been feeling like that since I came back home. Need to fix that. Good luck to you on fixing yours!

The song is cool. Thanks for sharing.

Robena Grant said...

Most resolutions are kind of vague, wishful thinking stuff. We have to be specific and write down our plan. Then we get the satisfaction of crossing off or checking off each goal reached. : 0

Love the song.

merrymac said...

This is the first time I've commented, but I always read. Today, however, I just thought I'd tell you that I think you're fabulous and I love your posts.

widdershins said...

Love the TNT pic ... some mornings are like that, no matter what we do!

Congrats to you and Mrs Brownlow for the little steps. :D

Anonymous said...

[url=http://teplo-park.ru/sharovye_krany_oventrop]Шаровой кран Oventrop[/url]

Simone said...

I don't quite get what you mean by TNT mornings.... please explain!

London Mabel said...

@Julie - Thank-you! And -- you certainly lived that song this year, getting up and out on your bike like you have!

@Skye - Good luck to you too!

@merrymac - I never knew I had *lurkers* ... it's so exciting. Thanks for taking the time out to let me know. :-D

@widders - Well yes, lol, that is true. Apparently there's a phone app that senses when the right time is to wake you in your sleep cycle.

@Simone - TNT = explosives, like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. And then this: "I just hate HATE those first ten minutes of waking up and feeling like I want to light up a stick of dynamite and blow my pajama-ed self to smithereens." ...Make sense?

Simone said...

no - I know TNT is explosives, but I don't understand how that relates to waking up... is is because the alarm clock is startling??

London Mabel said...

@Simone - lol Maybe it's not something I can explain to a morning person. Even with a full night's sleep, waking up anytime before 10 AM (and having to get up and work) feels awful. I feel depressed, bleak. If I haven't had enough sleep then it's all magnified. I feel awful. I hate life, and the planet.

Simone said...

That's the key difference. I am a morning person. I am up at 6 on weekends!

BUT having said that, in my 'old age' I prefer calm quiet mornings. if they are too hectic, I get irritable.


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